Blog for Nameless-Value

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Human must never Grow its Humanity if You Keep Company with Only Favorite ones

At the matter of fact, when I was senior high-school student, I was interested in one Art teacher and actually he was not my favorite typed senior one for those days' myself, nevertheless I was accepting his request to keep company with him reacting his voice "You are genius at creating art." and conseuently I had close relationship with him and his circle, but eventually I had not gotten entrance of Art university and at normal university's art department, and until the days several years later since I graduated that university, to that teacher, I had contact mutually, but with touchy mind's gap, I personally rejected contact with him and I'd never seen him again, eventually he was dead at chest cansor 16years ealier that now, I was heard of his death relatively recently from those days' my friend as the pal of my going private art school taught by him as the teacher in question.

At being heard of it, I had specific emotion, but essentially his human nature was not suitble for my life view, nevertheless, for some period, about from 5 to several more many days, I had contact with him, then even if after ending of contact with him, even nowadays, my life view and the method to keep company with, otherwise very generally ordinary human relation's daily keeping as one of citizen in this country, at any site, or occasion, those days' my life exprerience around mainly contact with him as to me unique art teacher must have worked so effectively at breaking through any difficulty in life we must be obliged to meet by chance or to say, for personal social survival, the must or necessity, those days' my accepting stance to keep company with different life view holder was now my days' so precious assets in life.

In other words, in life, to ourselves, any unnecessary human relation must never be present, unless specifically not appropriate underworld ones could approach us.

In pulling through any harsh valley or moutain in life span, at the matter of fact, to us. unnecessary life days with not so the most suitable ones as life view's sharing partners could not exist to any individual one as us. No growth could be guaranteed now, perhaps.

This truth means another truth that human must never grow its humanity if you keep company with only favorite ones, that instructive truth could never be just lie, never yet, in terms of socially necessary training, not favorite ones for us must be the best opportunity around personally nureturing our own mind, you know.

In other words, no matter what kind of experiencing or human's contact we'd had in past ever so earnestly, any contacting memory or any kind of learning around life survival must make us take advantage of survival toward any kind of upcoming future, you know.

Dec. 8th.  2021

Memorandum; To the art teacher for my life's one period, after I knew his death afterward our relationship as close and familiar contanct together was over, I sometimes recollect those days with him and other all ones around him.