Blog for Nameless-Value

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Very Simple Question Part6

Time concern, or what we can have cognition around time could be easily expressed with our using words, nevertheless, space concern, or what we can have it around space could not be easily expressed with those.
But that reason is unidentified.

Necessarily in terms of origin, words by theselves, our life's mortality and our death destiny as one life. Thereby, necessarily words expression by itself has something to do with time, that fact could give that nature.

Nevertheless, we are obliged to be concerned with any space, as long as we are alive surviving our settling location's physical condition.
To some exetent, what makes us feel time could be space.
Nevertheless, to space, we have no enough words, not as much as time concern them.

That true reason is so far still in enigma, but only one thing could be suggested.
That is words' so shortened necessity for summary for our society's demand and necessity to us as the arm for survival.
Meanwhile, space is not demanded nor necessary for being requested at that question.
In other words, space is what gives us any demand and harsh condtion, though only space could evade any overlapping otherwise covering by us, of course time could not be so, but time is anytime consistently adhered to our all concsiousness, but space is anytime at least for us, because we all are staying in so shielded space, or screened room, compartmented, or partitioned, thereby, that truly extended dimensional cognition could not be easily done at least our normally done words communication.

However, these upper mentioned proposition could be related and mutually interracted with my another series "Simple Truth's True Enigma".
(to be continued)

Dec. 8th.      2021