Blog for Nameless-Value

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Château in Silence <α>

Gay ghosts make chorus at midnight. But lake swans pleansantly dance on it.

Darkened garden echoes with sound silence makes.

Death could be wrapped with their calmed voices. Death usually is hidden and invisibly has own breathing in no notice given to anyone.

Exactly daytime château is rather so invisibly preserved in near forests we can look over the zone around the gentle mole and hill slope to low height field.

To and fro small ordinary residents could be seen around there, but that impression is overwhelmingly different from these nighttime the zone's aspect. Midst it, that château is built still in impression looked around and by itself so no claiming outstanding character at least over there.

Human social act could rely on each human identity's handing down to next generation from aged generation than them, and its truth could not be applied to material, or kind of human relevant buildings or so, but the presence of human's settled footprint or so could have another appearing nature at least to us who can look over their all aspect.

Absence of owner at any building, house, facility could cathch us in very distinct atmosphere.
Used state's own condition must make its each used thing so differentiated at each condition. That château is not exceptional.

There are many languages in world, and one language's convenient merit means the language's another condition's demerit, the similar thing could be seen in anything.

Landscape's nature, building's nature, natural resources' nature or so could be either at the optional regard to us, and to environment or each present thing.

By the way, even if authors could try to renew all literature's mothods, probalby that could stumble so earlier, because this age's feature could not permit any writing one have that so smart skillfulness at taking advantage of the one's life.

The contemporary networked reality could squash all these trials. Only desolated câteau could know so well, at least to me, that attached idea could adhere with the bottom of my mind. And when I passed through that landscape catching zone, I had a noitonal idea that 
probably only mise could get dominant management at settling around that built things.

Only lengthy and vaguely shiny day's daylight transition makes all these fields' look so ordinarily lukewarm, unless very atrociously miserable somewhat could happen over there.

Landscape's commnplaceness just must be the mother of tiresome emotion and ease at no taking place of remarkable things.

But that château by itself must never know how it could be regarded by other thing beside the lake, forests, weeds in empty field not used by anything so far, birds, insects, visitors to the zone around the château with human and any other animal species.

(to be continued)

Dec. 16th.      2021