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Logic’s No Contradiction's Impossibility Part2

This time, directly toward this series title signifying theme is dealt at me.
What makes logic as ligic's dealing thing could be featured only by not no contradiction attending reality? To it, I'll answer.

First probably, the perfection as the comleted no contradiction attended thing must never be analyzed so easily, and that's why we are obliged to regard it as only just no-contradiction thing.
E.g. God is so, and being itself could be almost so.

Meanwhile, only halfway, incomplete thing coiuld afford to be analyzed so precisely, because only contradictory thing could be evidenced so its contradiction, and logics could be present for knowing it through evidencing.
Proof to no-contradiction is really so hard to analyze, nevertheless, it'd be easily done and known to us, because it must be simply, and plainly nothing but the matter with which we first can know everything or without which we'd never prove anything correct or incorrect.

We rather for knowing any logical method by itself could be incomplete, first can have will and intending mind to analyze all things in knowing each contradiction, and when we do so, evidenced, proved thing must be no-contradiction.
Rather otherwise, each proved truth must be no-contradiction, though all gathered, or totalized logics could have very plain contradiction.
Rather, otherwise, each done logical procedure is at any case, not perfect nor not completed, totalized or wholly aspect of all gathered state could be no-contradiction.

Though, logics must never be totalianism, because these totalized aspect is featured incomplete, that appearance must evidence that logics themselves or to say, one totalized it could be at least heading for complition in perfection.

In other words, as long as that is being as one of presence in being world, university, nothing is perfection in terms of everything and only partially perfection.

Though, eventually with these analyzing process, only God could be Only Perfection.

In other words, just God's presence must blake any seemingly perfect thing being at incomlete, and that is so necessarily natural. And for knowing any seemed perfection must be partially perfect as not absolute perfection, God's concept and our credo to believe in It is the most important and the most integrally indespensable.

Actually we human-beings must have done that process in advancing.
And even if we could never evidence God as the auditory, visibly objective at analyzing, we know that the world without Him must be contradictory, though rather, not objectively confirmed God must be the most splendid providential mercy or affection, and the sole providence.

God's presence must mean what created universe. Thus, fundamentally 0 means universe's birth absent state. And to it, omnipotence must work on and the universe must be created.
God's creating power with so many elemental essences mean omnipotence.
Only this absolute fact must have necessity surpassing any contradiction, because we all have been already composed as presence.

And essentially, 0 means no empowered with God's providence.
Though, according to these principles, necessarily God and nothing must have no contradiction. What has complete contradicion must be only being.
And being must have space and time, though attending universe's(being's) order, thus being with space and time must mean contradiction, or contradictory reality.

No contradiction must be precisely only nothing. 
However, at another extent, otherwise, in another term God must be no-cotradiction with His omonipotence and providence.
That next diagram could be provided to us and our idea.

                                                Another extent or term, 
                                                            No-Contradiction=God and His intention, will to create
                                                          universe as being.

God's no-contradiction must be evidenced only through how we can prove that God's presence could have been contradictory not necessity, that case must have no output to get us being as universe, in other words latter since (that) in this sentence could be proved being positive as correct and no-contradiction, God's presence must be authenticated so completely, at least logical term.

By the way, this logical procedure must have no dicrimination around facing stance towrd theism, atheism, because these ideas could have each distinctive interpreting method, then even if at atheism, what could come under theism's God could be evidenced, or defined, and articulated so perfectly. Because our known logical interpreting systematic order and absolute regulation must have that structure for giving the chance to get God's come under known to us.

However, as somewhat we can regard being as miraclous modus ponens, though only "being" could be only left contradiction.
In other words, we all in unidentified contradiction have gratitude contrasictory being and no contradictory God's providence.

Though, necessarily, only "being" could be replaced with 1. Essentially the most basically configulated contradiction as the minimally interpretable unit of contradiction, because the power to creat it wih God's providence must be the sole unidentified mechanical the greatest incident to all things as being's element.

                                           ❶       0= No-Contradiction 
                                           ➋       1= Contradiction's Minimal Unit

First, we should and might consider 0's no-contradictory absolutely given nature's reason and 1's contradictory it could be interpreted by providential or omnipotent absolute accidentality at givingus all the sole universe as the origin of any being's element. 
And we are given chance of considering how 0's necessary absolute No-Contradiction could have been broken at being contacted with 1's birth,

Necessarily it has to depend on only logical intepretation(physics' it was done so plurally already).

By the way, only number 0 could never be devided with any number, that must show that only 0 could be absolute number so exceptionally. And any other number except any prime number, only 0 could have that nature. The fact implies that 0 and prime number members could have no contradiction by each number self at this analytical running order.

These facts could guide us to have necessity to review and recheck divided number members could have being's contradictory nature, thus with these serially ordered analyzed factual truths, next definition could be composed.

                         ❸Only not divided number is 0 and any prime number members
                                 ❹These truths could induce that 0 and any prime number's distribution                                    could guide us have some moment to find out so far an enigmatic                                            identity with unidentified no-contradiction's mechanical truth in present                                    numbers' these prime's and 0.

Let us summarize. 
Once we could reach to some very useful concluson. That is not divided number could be definitively interpreted as no-contradictory one absolute unit numbers.
Though necessarily these presence and divided number's presummed contradictory nature could be submitted into relatively regarded analysis.

Next occasion to debate subsequent questioning and proving must rely on 0 and prime number's essential nature around no-contradiction and any other number attending contradictory nature analysis.
(to be continued)

Dec. 17th.       2021