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Destroying Intentionally Ongoing Mind's Identity B

In creativity, kind of continuous perseverance could give all creating job engaged ones some pain, and agony, nevertheless, after breaking through these days, they must get some fruitful leap on their life, so exactly.

If that outcome is just gift by some creation’s God, creating stance holding ones must have welcoming at being in perseverance so postively and subjectively.
And definitely essentially functional kind of confident leaping moment must be positive destroying act, though that advent is very challenging and that spirit could be kind of intoxicating destruction and that thing and very immoral committing a suicide could have no claer discrimination.

Because, ogirinally being alive and surviving any crisis means kind of gambling to any unexpected and uncertain adventure.
Nevertheless, in daily necessity, leaping needs enough approach and for it, making stiff ability preserved at piling up so numerous tiny small one steps and gradual proceeding, then the one who takes only stance to have anytime jumping at the gun could not get so useful advancement.

Kind of fight to worry abount getting error, and really error’s accumulating daily reality is not so easily faded away from our own reality and our own mentality settling and being deposited kind of frustration could tease and annoy our spirit and ordinarily kept sane mind, but if we personally could be awoken to some penetrating and indightful some fruitage’s hunch, we should rush away for obtaining gold or so, we should throw all procrastinating mind away to the junk field, and sprint in no thinking deeply, that demolishing violent arrogance should be done at doing anything, you know.

That nuance is expressed by a marvelous song “Dynamite” by BTS.
That so demolishing mindful cheering songs exactly exist in any pops scene.
IKIMONO-GAKARI’s <いきものがかり>じょいふる(Joyful), Billie Eilish’s Oxytocin, Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin, Highway-Star by Deep Purple, Helter-Skelter by the Beatles, Billy Joel’s Moving Out or so.

Kind of demolishing mindful approach means God’s domain, and desecrating violent challenge, because if we could never leap anything only at perfectly obtaining ascertained abilty, we’d never have any timing nor any advent of aquirement to any defnitely creative gift.

ENLIGHTENMENT, or ENLIGHTENING OUR OWN MIND must have foolhardy and reckless approaching. Of course, necessarily that trial must have so many setbacks, nevertheless, only pursuing stability and not adventurous stillness could get the ones who respects only those so regretful indigested emotion and not completed dissatisfied mind so until the ones die, if they had no any fecund trial to satisfy their challenging spirit.

Destroying means neglecting any kind of conservative thought, idea, ideology and ideal.
What does that “ideal” mean?

That question is unexpectedly so harshly hard to reply so clear answer so immediately.
Though necessarily, at the matter of fact, anybody must need so long considerably enough readiness, and preliminary necessary so vital step, that preparation means so much, and that spending days are so hard to get clear outcome done, never yet any trial could have consistent stumbling block and cracked and flowed brick, nevertheless, afterward we’d obtain some another stabilty, we’d get another song,”Good-by, Yellow Brick Road” and from deeply concerned mind to life itself we must shout “Cold Heart”!

Try, try, try, mess, mess, mess, anytime around us, only decayed, rot corpses are sprinkled all around us, as worse as any kind of computer machinery bodies’ graveyard, or any plastic products’ and left-overs’ dealing factories in any society.

How could we go onto our made so demolishing social products and artificial superficiality any social phenomenon, any individual shallow minded jumping at the gun, any hurrying unnecessary seductive ideas?!

Only meditative necessity must be left to anybody’s mind, so in the end.

(to be continued)

Jan. 10th. 2022

Memorandum; Any challenging trial could not be assessed in which positively or negatively regarded, in so short time, only small idea around it could be gotten after long time passes afterward it’d be done in one term.