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Identified Presence in Ambiguity

Fact rejects merry contacts toward anything. Only it equalizes the completed normality.

Though, essentially, there is never so obviously distinguishable reason among ideality, normality and commonplaceness.
Because we according to each momentary mind's inclination just accept one matter normal, commonplace or ideal.

Probably substantial normal, commonplace and ideal could have been just vision.

Completed evenness in not bolotted flatly performed appearance could be seen occasionally normally, at another occasion, commnplacely, even sometimes plainly, simply, and monotonously, otherwise, unintersting, composed, calmes, or empty.

Nevertheless, fundamentally and substantially, each obvious divided credible reason must be so dubious.
Eventually at any occasion, each definitive adjective usage must be decided so arbitrarily according to defining ones' implicit consensus.

Though, for one subjective ones, some presence could be so shiny and simply completed, meanwhile, for another subjective ones, that one could be featureless, otherwise, so easy, so still, or stable.

Though, presence's color identity could be transperent, or to replace it with blanc, hollow, or tepid, or usual.

At these serially substantially regarded sense, presence's identified anonimity could be interpreted with being overlapped by nothing. In other words, presence which is the closest nothing as the minimalist being could be equivalent with presence's simply caught definitive meaning.

Meaning means indentified presence in ambiguity, because notionally, tangibly comprehensive toward meant mind must be very ordinarily realized presence.

In other words, to that commonplace aspcet, the one who gives signified identity is our wishful mind, and the appearance must be not wanting much more, in other words, kind of refusal to unnecessary abundance or surplus.

Nevertheless, that condition could never be incompletion nor perception, to be frank that not much not less condition must never be vague nor ambiguous, obscure.
Rather that ought be very celarly just, though that is being present, otherwise presence itself.

Only ambiguity means inbetween, on the other hand, identified presence in ambiguity is subjectively and positively never only ambiguous nor never halfway, it is just decisive.

And, otherwise, if we have absolutely precise rundown is just unidentified and identified in no discrimination or kind of seen and unseen in identical miracle, otherwise, opaque and transperence in no cross section.

Because absolute presence could be only absolutely ambiguously indecisive fuzzy clarified fixation. In dispaced from it into either being at precision murkiness or precision unforcused completion.

Identified presence in ambiguity is just the sole presence which must be forgiven defining contradictory sense for depicting true appearance. 

Or to say, identically just one could be allowed at moved to be plural.

Jan.  15th.        2022