Blog for Nameless-Value

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Being’s Identity⑤ Infinity's Identity to Us

Infinity could not signify only notionally outputted indication at mathematics or so, at least for not so younger generation ones.

In other words, for anyone who was once given birth, infinity means rather before we were born, previously passed and done all everlastingly longer time span extent time.

Though, for the one whose life time span was done and spent almost ratio, death might mean kind of return to infinity, necessarily for the ones who believes in next life, that difference mutually they have is not so important at least in terms of life meaning metaphysics.

Time running and anytime ceaseless duration means kind of infinity's one prototype at embodying role by time.
According to what we'd confirmed at former Part①to④, we'd gotten one decisive truth that any infinity could be possible to suppose both at time's from past to future, and space's seen viewed aspect for us in front of belly side body and back extended, body's back side, spatially infinitely distant running already gotten to us, at one time date, that kind of synchronicity could co-exist and go along with time's ceaseless running.

That seamless attachment with time and space must have somewhat which signifies being and its ultimately objectively proved ambivalent nature.

That synchronical attached mutually back to back nature must have similarity of vehicle's own running, and any given philosophy and metaphysics, any kind of logics terms could never desctibe that nature, of course, partially Einstein could have supposed and proved, nevertheless, he either did not grasp time and being so separably, because he either, as well as any other physicist, persisted in time and being in coordinate axis suggesting kind of synthesized order, but as he implied, not only twisted or distortion adapted nature, but also more simply comprehensively wrapping or tucking globaly circulated somewhat, just as you want to suggest me, certainly that viewpoint must have kind of Buddhistic view sort or so, nevertheless to me, that must be more diffusing power mobilized kind of erasing mobility or so could have some debatable possibility.

Diffusing, or kind of scattering mobility and condensing or kind of remaining and retaining mobility as latter could be kind of staying behind in sustantion for the first time, we can confirm and identify being's truly preservable ambivalence could mean certainly enough synthesis.

In other words, we are at anytime just "now" and that now must have no past nor future, but simultaneously have both past and future at the same moment dated point.

E.g., at staying at one specific location and no moving of us means visually, auditorily, tangibly, and whole body sensed situated meaning, we can judge that time, space, and own presently indetified subjective sensing is configurating with wholly extended spatially movable one gradual time riding.

That kind of anytime consistently given one totalized both directions taken entropy's exetention and reduction in synchronicity as physics suggests could be done to us, and certainly when we are midst the larger perfectly 360° only horizon and no shielding object could never be seen in one standing up situation to us, that condition could be assumed.

               → →  →   →
                       → ←  → ←
                                                      ← ←  ←    ←

One time's direction might have another detering power to stop advancing and to it, cutting power, and these straghtly running and procrastinating in stagnation in crossed mixture, toward that horizontal( expediently applied of coordinate axis, thereby it could be swtiched mutually vertical ), just vertically running in relevance could be present, that must be time and space.

                                                    ↑  ↑  ↑
                                           → →  →   →
              → ←  → ←
                                             ← ←  ←    ←
                                                    ↓  ↓ ↓

          Eventually, probably next formulation could be possible at being suggested.

          〇= Every Now  (0)←(1)←+1 ( -1)← (1)→ ←(+1) 〇 (1)←(0)  (0)←(0)

These comprehensive being and time in crossing together into accord inifnity with space and time in absolute relevance could be regarded or interpreted at kind of Judaism. Because it must comprehend both being in alival matter and dead in nothing sustained by nothing, in immprtality.
Though, essentially Christianity must signify and indetify alive one's absolute ethical ontology, toward it, Judaism must consist in being in alive substance and to it, consistently overlapped nothing, in death's destiny and kind of sensed death, in parmanence.
Judaism could have kind of absolute immortality of spatially embodied moment and its parmanent immovability.

Probably specifically Islamism sided ones could antagonize my idea, but to my view, at least in terms of transmigration by Buddhism, Islamism could have very similar element, though, both two religions' nature must have common mortal one's fierce commandment, as precepts for Buddhism.

In summary, SIMPLY, ANY BEING THING in TIME and SPACE's relevance must have OFFSETING each other with BEING and NOTHING, otherwise, TIME and SPACE.

Toward it, if additionally mentioning could be given necessity, Christianity must be characterized ETHICAL NORMATIVITY around the ones who are alive and survive mortality atteding own life.

(to be continued)

Jan. 20th.      2022