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Being, Belief, Flesh, God Part1 Words' Enlightenment② Happiness's Definition

We are all dominated by our social necessity at taking communication through words.
That reality makes us have some so convenient notion for sovereignty for dominators.
Nevertheless, that falsehood is noticed by almost wise general citizens probably since so original ancient days by many ordinary ones in any society.

Though, if somebody could emphacize happiness's definition in taking it as so formalized notional somewhat, that educating one's mind must be managed by so formalized dogma which is caused from easy justice thought.

Thereby, necessarily happiness's notion is apt to work on us as hyindrance to disturb our own spiritually and mentally siginified motivation and spontainity from nurtured active mind, and just passively acceptable dogma or kind of dutiful signification.
However, being in happiness must make us mission to get it with own power and will, though notion happiness is not always so universally versatile concept, never yet that reguration smothers our own positive thinking around building up own evaluating constructive life scheme.

Nevertheless, happiness's notion is ineffectively working on our given notional modus ponens, e.g. wealth acquirement, status, social trust or so, necessarily these things must be one of so important factor for identify our own life, so personally, nevertheless these are never all for essentially personal our spontainity.

If we persist in not so necessary but very commonplace socially educated happiness definition, the one's life must go on with so disappointed situation's rushing state for anyone.
Because, in society, that easy formulation around getting happiness is never existing essentially, because social site is kind of battlefield, and truly so many falsehood and cheating consipiracy make whirlpool.

In society, getting true happiness needs so harshly strong pioneering energy and ambitiously strong own power emitting stamina and spiritual strength and resilience around going through all hazards and contradiction society by itself makes us all.

For knowing truly penetrating own facluty for going through this world, we need independent consciousness around pioneering own will and intention around contributing social wealth.
Hence, if concept "happiness" could surround our own life, so the sole precious value at notinal idea, that easy formulation must never exsit for us, consequently we'd get our mind irritated, though society and our people world must be the presence in which we first should abandon ordinarily thought happiess's concept so plainly.

If now reading you is younger generation one, do not persist in ordinarily regarded happiness's concept so unnecessarily, at easy believing idea by any adlut older ones.
When that saying around you is realized, you should pretend to listen to that saying earnestly, but in mind, you should neglect all that one's saying.

Of course, that very obediently listening option is either given to you, but in the ones who try to say so, so many cheating ones must have been included in that saying ones.

Eventually, the last person for you to listen to anything is opted only by you.

But, just one thing, I want to emphasize. That is what life happiness is not decided at totalized somewhat as e.g. wealth acqirement, many children or so. At least to me, there are not decisive factors to indentify happiness acquirement.
This is just my own and personal idea, but you'd permit me to introduce it here, to me, feeling happy in momentary anything is more important for going through this society.
Each scenery tiny touched impression, emotion, in other words, so partially emobodied everything is unexpectedly integral at least to me, you know.

In other words, any tiny detail and tip elemental anything is extraordinarily integral and vitally indespensable at least to me.

Words’ usage is kind of shackle for all human at having own satisfied life.

Probably Martin Luther was claiming the thing through his whole life mission for reformation of chirches, religious creed, and social goodness and citizen life order.

One typical example around showing our falsehood is word, as a typical concept for human, "Happiness".

Kind of any conscientious concept must have been told and given by authorized ones in any society. But specifically, totalized life value is essentially for anyone, so own and private matter, nevertheless, that fact is not so picked up nor taken so precious ordinarily in social site at realitime execution in any engagement for sustaining society itself.

Happiness is the thing after which we could have done us life spending stability for the first time we could get spontaneously. Nevertheless, very mean and shallow educational ideology is prone to given any citizen with authorized viewpoint by powered ones.

In other words, life thing is consistently besieged with many difficulty and very nasty troublesomeness in doing anything, though to each it, just dealing with so smartly, probably nothing must be so important except it.
Because, in conclusion, at each time, just completing so in satisfied assessment by ourselves, nothing could be so important than that thing.

Anytime, each successful thing in one moment is just assessable at being in feeling so happy or not, probably only the thing should be done by us, responsibly, and toward it, we should be satisfied with, that's life, at least to me, that mind could seem to be so correct.

In other words, having own mind to think of what should be happiness must be our truly realized happiness. Because the mind has to be so much rich mentality. Then any other thing must be just dellusion.

Why you should not persue only happiness is probably derived from what persuing only happiness could easily make you privilege and arrogance, at looking over the ones whose life are so miserably spent for them, otherwise that mind consequently could be the despise to all poor life spending ones, but essentially they are never be unhappy, rather completely contrary, they are just genuinely happy than anyone.

Preceding only happiness as life stance must make us unhappy reality at another side.

Mercy is the most integral mind for all of us, that words meaning is truly so penetrating, that must have definition at having respect to any other one, braveness for guarding true justice, and essentially not losing positive mind for heading for own future.

Giving our own happiness to any other one could be the most precious thing to anyone, so originally, anybody knows it so well, though so many wonderful expression is day by day made by us all.

Share to anybody is the most prescious matter, and it should be taken the best happiness, and that saying probably is not so bad mindset.

If you are not satisfied with only what you have merciful calmed days, you'd be the one who knows true love and mercy to any other one.

(to be continued)

Jan. 27th.       2022