Blog for Nameless-Value

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Unit Power in Knowing Each Individual Powerlessness A

Each individual in human world must be given only small closed room for thiking everything around what to do next in reacting everything generating thing externally to each one.

In other words, each one's mind is managed by own past, and each brain's inclined nature is based on only that idea's attending.
However, at least wiser ones in human world know that truth so well, though "that mind's attending weakness should be revised." That idea is easily outputted.

Though, wiser ones could gather into one unit. Necessarily, not wiser ones are either.

Each unit's indentified nature consists in its truth.

Nevertheless, each one's mind is controlled by each own past thing, anybody easily knows that the most important thing is our all anticipating future.

Even what each one personally cannot have in mind as truly siginificant future thing could be smartly schemed and dealt with plural members, anybody could easily be known to it, though anybody tries to belong to future prospect expectable organization.
Nevertheless, in whirlpool of each desirable mind in gathered condition, any unit could have unnecessary idea.

Hence, society thing is apt to have each necessary reorganaizing intention and execution.
World history's true appearance means the thing's interation.

New solution to old problems must make another problem which should be reformed, occasionally with radical revolution.

However, if each one's brain was filled with only future, that brain's each remotely present world could have another mess-up or fierce confusion or so.

Eventually nobody could be known the best condition to which we should be given, because anybody is managed with each one's own past thing.
Othewise, our brain's thiking mode and tendency is from the beginning schemed or kind of programmed as it is.

Our instinctive idea around leaving own descendants must be derived from that own knowing in mind as premised reality we all are given by God in mutual implicitness.

(to be continued)

Feb. 8th.     2022