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"You" Second Person in Songs / Popularity's Disappearance A. Dylan's case①

20 century was very contradictory nature featured ages. But that nature unexpectedly was so simple, and 19century's very clearly siginified obvious class society must have been displayed and actually embodied with several so typical historical examples.

That was one as very successful musicians with the Beatles or so in very making the most money at star status. And necessarily those days must have necessity to go along with class society as very remarkably geniusly active star musicians making the most money and general popularity people as the most numbers of people.

By the way, Jean Calvin was very superior rhetorician around orthodox Christianity's interepretating eraborate creator, toward his that typical nature, Martin Luther was genuinely motivated religious reformative propositional suggesting radical poet at middle ages with necessity around purification of Christianity. He was revolutionist.

In other words, Luther's pure radicalism could advocate Calvin's levelling for Christianity.
And much less, he manifested so obviously denial to carnally dealing Christianity's method through criticizing very carnal confession personally done at people's own subject and through that claiming, he rather positively recommended only immanently done to God Himself, in keeping silence, though his idea was obviously reliable only on not rhetorically practical confession, but essentially necessarily toward God Himself we should be pious never to tell false nor cheating pretention.

At this regard, Luther was so genuinely the missionary around claiming not pretending and not using any falsehood in discourse or so which could have been wrtiten at his papers.

At this regard, Luther's reformative ideology must have been so immanently deliberative our own pure meditation's recommendation.
That interpretation is never false nor default at keeping his paper's minute reading in truely significant interpretation.

In other words, keeping silence, keeping our mind in silence, in terms of not formal ceremonial necessity, rather so usefully advantageous practical genuine believing mind, he must have claimed that immanency's own potentiality and our useful divinity which enlightens our exhausted mind into purified dimension.

Confessional method should not be taken at carnally vanity inclined prejudice, should be done in deeply immanently absolute belief to providence.

20 century's the outstanding contribution to human presence was certainly the advancement of general citizens' clearized ideology's accompanying in mind and these gathered stronger democratic power and potentiality's establishment.

Nevertheless, 20 century citizens were all so easy-goingly optimistic around regarding mass-communication's infrastructure of technology. But that was very populism's fixation around mass-media reporting things' seducing typical phenomena. Either kind of propaganda and socially populism could be dragged to whole over the world, and nowadays essentially and substantially the same stance taken era.

However, our truth could have been distorted into only convenience and efficiency preceded reality, necessarily that was so radically epoch-making dynamic event for all human being, nevertheless, that must have caused so many precious sacrifices in world.

Bob Dylan had taken his strongly convincing truth in suggesting those days' all citizens in world through his nationality US ones. Thus, essentially his first remarkable suggesting song, "Blow in the Wind" meant certainly "You" for questing and quarrying his skeptical idea around inconvincible social disorder around ethnicity, racial discriminative disorder, and national right-winged stance or so.

All "You" were at least for questing mind of his, so adventurously radical, those days.

His questing "You" had been in terms of his suggestional issue's content had been made transit from one to another, that thing was evidenced at either, "Mr. Tambourine Man", "Like a Rolling Stone", and "All along the Watch-Tower".

His problem presentation had meant and have kept meant that his applying lyrical person issue from one to another, though, necessarily, his showing "You" had made transition.
"Mr. Tambourine Man"'s it was heading for the same age's same generation specifically based on his vocation in sympathy to another one, and "Like a Rolling Stone"  showed the almost same generation female one richer lady beside his intimate circle, and at his "All along the Watch-Tower", his indicating "You" was obviously indicating his mentioning legally, culturally oriented object "Institution" and "Space" by itself.

By the way, Dylan's position in those days, clearly differentiated him from the Beatles's it in their ages, because his stance was anytime heading for social criticism, though certainly his activity and move around his person issue in transition, the Beatles' members personally were inspired and obviously impacted by Dylan's stance, particularly since Summer of Love period, from 65-70, inserting Wood-Stock rock festival.(About that thing, at another occasion, I'd take it)

Anyway, for the present, at next time, I'd take this time picking up four songs mainly with "Blow in the Wind", "Mr. Tambourine Man",  "Like a Rolling Stone",  "All along the Watch-Tower" and other several songs occasion by occasion.
(to be continued)

Feb. 9th.     2022