Blog for Nameless-Value

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Adrenalin Ardently Anti-Annulling

That eruptive anger must have no detergent.
Because it's never logic.

Anger has no door to replace the air. Just merely disgusting.

Nevertheless, anytime unexpectedly armored in logics. It's kind of being hipnotizable.

Even asrelalin emitting, but not showing it in pretending to be calmed down.

That must be known to anybody so mean, nevertheless, almost ones could apply that method.
Of course, it's not so praisable.

But if we personally try to justify it, that means that we in the case to be cheated in trick and that resentment could never be diffused, though its emotion is not soothed in having not solved around mind to revenge for being sacrificed.

Thereby, for spiritually eased one must have no need to these all intems.
Though, using that mean way is equal to spoil any earnest mind. 
Nevertheless, the one must pretend not to do that thing. That's human's intrinsic evil.
That's unforgiven.

Though, the one whose awareness to the revengeful one's mind must make the one accuse defiantly to that one's all.

But, after all, the one's meanness is clearly memorized to anybody's mind.

That shows that adrenalin's emission is the typically the nastiest thing in world.

That's why we should not make light of adrenalin, its not annulling nature means adrenalin made retaliation, but it should be suppressed, that's why we have ethics in terms of humaneness, morale.

It's testing to us, you know.

Because, human thing is kind of timed self-destruct device.

Man is usually taking testosterone, woman is usually doing oxytocin. But you should not despise women.

Because any man and woman must have only one way to go out from woman's womb.

Yeah, though adrenalin is kind of mis's capably despising teststeron with oxytocin in fighting, but it could pretend to be so calmed with pseudo-prolactin fake performance, you know.

(to be continued)

Feb.  10th.     2022