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To Our Mind, Memory thing could not Rely on Only Meaning A

To my view, around anything, I'm not always against general philosopher, however, nevertheless, generally philosophers are prone to regard any memory as very notional meaning nature.
But at the matter of fact, to us, generally, around memory, that claiming could not always be so appropriate, because to our mind, in fact, at so many cases, rather, our memory as recollective appearance comes up to our personal mind frequently is overlapped or kind of covered by very concrete scenery visual, auditory concrete landscape, or sort of animating picured aspect or so, frankly speaking recollective content we could regenerate must be featured with so realistic concrete iamges and that time's tangible physically accepting sensing footprint or so generally dominant.

This my view could indicate that philosophers could generally be inclined unecessarily only to more notinal conceptually words dependent memory content, but actually to us, really more totalized attendant appearance is often usually manageable.

To that truth, any philosopher could be apt to regard all things unnecessarily as semantical in terms of their own interpretation. That habit could be caused from Greek philosophical tradition since Aristotle's conventional idea.

Contemporary cognitive science must have influenced any domain of philosophy of mind, then nowadays' philosophy could have been swtiched into more practically empirical term or regard, nevertheless, bacially still these days, generally philosophy thing could be surmounted by more analytical logics' theory, however, that truth could be biassed with contemporary notinonal mission feeling around analyrical philosophy, that trend and featured tendency means premise conventional philosophy of law abiding own nature only philosophy or metaphysics could be prone to get itself absorbed in.

Brain neuron researching cognitive science must have influenced any domain of contemporary philosophy so much, and that provitism could have stable status at these days' adademic circle. Necessarily neurology and nerve physiology and contemporary philosophy of mind in term of ethical approach are mutually more and more interacted with each other.

However, any scientific provable appraoch could have own inclination around acceptance to any evidenced data could be more unncessarily notinal, that could be Alistotle's tradition and conventional manner necessarily Hideggar either could apply at his age.

Necessarily at one phase, certainly superficial semiologic, and symbolic logical interpretation could be easily confirmed to our attentive view, nevertheless, already contemporary general citizens are all very familiarly habitual at taking semiologic picture letters at transmitting acting in daily life and that habit is fixed at routine act, not only these examples but also, either very frequently we use and watch very many youtube animating running on air images too.

Though, moreover from these days on, more and more, day by day, to our truly essential daily life if we analyze and interpret these substances, we should take into account more vidual and auditory sensing domain in research and analysis summary.

This time, I there quit this arguement, but before long, in upcoming future, I'd pick up this proposition again, specifically around spatially empirical approaching instance and site really impacted emprical bodily physically, physiologically inclined memory domain, another day.
(to be continued)

Feb. 11th.    2022

Appendix; In general, notional interpretation could be given at the our brain deliberating site when we summarize all empirical past experience through analyzable mind for interpreting onw past meaning as term of inductive a poster-i-ori view around recollection.
More perceptively, either phenomenological view either should be guided into and taken into account for our correct analysis.