Blog for Nameless-Value

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Erased Mind in Real and Unreality a.

Game attending virtual realiy’s daily blunt familiarity certainly awakes our mind into another dimensional deliberation.

That could be kind of our usage of any notion and any concept, signified meaning, identified awareness or so, etc.

Really, our usage of words as it in language communication could be done through our own mind to regard, face, or interact, contact everything, and in the reality, we use each meaning and notional comprehensive consciousness.

And certainly one mentioned matter by us must be our own remark or view, nevertheless, that told substance by itself must be serially ordered one form made with regulatory words' meaning and concept.
In other words, essentially any mentioned matter or kind of thought everything must never be perfeclty own idea or thing made in our mind, so personally.

Therefore, rather we could say that any outputted idea in our own mind is just arbirarily passing through one phenomenon in our own mind so accidentally, in other words, any remark made by anyone could be just expediently done one object done only for passing through our own mind, so accidentally.

In other words, originality or kind of ownership or so could be all just illusion, or so delusive fantasy.

Everything made in mind is kind of very temporarily made provisional one exampled substance, then ultimately any idea or any scheme could be just interim hypothesis, though essentially, we all are used conveyer controled by meaning, notion, siginificance or so, previously schemed or set as convenient robot.

That tendency must have done already so old days at using machine, that nature necessarily has own controlling one's controlled reality, that could be accepted by any machine user, with positively masochistical sensibility.

Just toward that never swtichable reality, we can have subjectively definitve meaning, around that totalized reality which we could have negative, or positive, that view's own gap could be there, but essentially that reality's nature could never be converted to another something.

First controllably intended and schemed reality can easily be upsetted to being controlled it, to that reality, whch we could be enjoying at that overturned reality or not could be left to us, as the subject to be questioned.

We actually half so addicted into absorbing our mind to that controllable reality with using any machine as daily indespensable tool.

In other words, to us, substance and notion is not so remarkably discerned to each other, at some dimensional comprehension, we'd be sunken into one no bordered kind of no clealized identifed subject.

E.g. to any past days' memory, certainly everything could be easily recollective so soon, nevertheless, to each of it, we'd never have own mind nor attachment, that thing could be possible at having to us, in mind.

Data signifed kind of serially ordered facts and recorded subject could be present really, to each item, at least I'd never have specified mind nor impression, to everything, only instantly materialized or kind of formally recorded data or memorized one item.

In other words, certainly to each memorized episode, I either have own mind, but necessarily to that day, we'd never return, then after all, to each memorized item, only very cool and awaked impression or so could be attached in mind, and necessarily that all categorized kind of done things' time table watching mind could be horribly indifferently cold-hearted or kind of bluntly apathetic, nevertheless, to that reality, even so enjoyable mind or kind of very fun emotion could emrge into deep inside of mind.

No impressionable only formalized bluntness and its unemotionally acceptable mind by itself is so postively humorous, and to that reality, to any past, to any episode, I can have very sadistic emotion and positively cheered mind too.
"I could never be assaulted by you, all!"
I cry out so loudly in my mind like that.

To very cold-blooded reality in which I survive or made by myself, I either have very cold-blooded sadistic winning emotion.

That aggressively indwelling immanent descision could be applied to any externally generating thing with any reported news content and its appearing image.

Eventually, to everything I can be heard, or shown I can have very sadistic aggression. That is characterized as so game amusement providing sadistic mind for resuming very exciting atrociously violent shooting game.

Mind shouts and continues screaming out impulsively saying,"Goddem bull shit, hey there motherfucker, you son of a bitch, what the hells are you all going on?
With only those serially cried voices, in the blink any calmed absolute silence is broken to and fro with tiny fragment composing silence.

Any rooted reason is torn, everything is on disorder and absolute confusion.

Everything is set on the absolutely first premise.
From there, everything could resume into plain and rudely dry running.

(to be continued)

Feb. 14th.    2022