Blog for Nameless-Value

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Crossroads Bringing Stroke Part1

World probably has initially so many remarkable crossroads for anybody, just we are apt to overlook it, usually in busyness in society. Even unwilling to do job means only crossroads must be the sole spiritual rescue, that sort of idea any citizen has in mind.

But anyone can find some useful trigger to make our own life change.

Just according to each individual mind, so infinitely different notice surely exists, hence one encounter for one is so particularly unique.

One so precious meeting for somebody to beloved one doesn’t mean so much for other ones. It’s so natural, thus fairness, just or sort of these things are anytime in illusion, according to each momentary social trend any value must be switched easily for anybody not only politicians or government.

With its truth, world’s complexity is at a rate impossible to explicate, in addition to it, if the world is so easy to be explicated, we could have never survived at this planet.

All accidentality could never be analyzed as unified truth, if it was so, our life or creature’s ecosystem would never be abundant.
Of course, our imagining so abundant life ecosystem possibly would just the phenomenal surface thing, other truly enigmatic undisclosed universe’s truth might have been potentially present.

Our words and language in systematically idea is one of nature gifting world complexity.
Spatial meaning must easily be switched with these crossroads’ giving accidental flash strokes, infinitely, of course each crossroad is never always to connected with other ones, rather irrelevance and ignorance must manage all each distinctive crossroad.

One accident must break up next accident popping up either to us. Anybody is always bound to one thing in front of each one as facing situation, but the one faces somewhat so grave is often unaware to the oneself, that strangely unknown enigmatic each environment is established at the earth nowadays.
Thus, any other indirectly never meeting thing must never be taken it into account. Namely for anybody, unseen darkness, darkened matters pretending only obviously seen tasted aspect managing only spread to whole over the world.

Its fact as all is blind for anybody as in situation for all of us, except all directly seen everything is never essentially small thing, we can have that sort of impression to all materialistic phenomenon.
For example, crisper CAS 9’s progress and black hole’s disclosure around its essence must never be relevant, but possibly these are either so relevant, some so strong theory may have appeared to us, either.

In other words, all so clearly seen thought things are so many, but possibly all those seen commonplace but really probably different things must undelay all unknown things.

In other words, our surviving world must be overwrapped by so clearly conceptually understood seen thought things, but it might have been just the illusion.

In other words, all these directly irrelevant things’ presence means so much. Although, human absurdity occasionally neglects its unimaginably grave law, many miserable outcomes would be outputted as beyond retrieval.

Just coz of it, our felt all stroke would be tangible for anyone. Often any human witness half consciously in no awoken posture, so instinctively but reason always doubts the instinct physiological reactive idea, its around in circles are never resting to us.

We in fact usually witness all miserably occasionally unexpected things so as if onlookers on the roads at home, with so unnecessary curiosity, facing all incidental new topical all things but all are just passing through beside all of us and soon everything would be forgotten.
So pitiless organization’s top class ones in false and error caused from unnecessary our instinctive curiosity to the world itself, but its view is anytime biased with individual prejudiced idea, coz we are hardly able to survive only with these individual small world view, nobody must never be able to look all things from the heaven over the skies.

We only can feel own fortunate things in seen happiness, to all world’s oblique darkened sea essentially but pretentiously so candidly obviously cleared sea to us, seen so and felt so.

Our word’s uncertainty is just for our view seen so obliquely opaque to us \, of course, it’s so natural, in other words, all past data obsessively tell us the inescapably bound mission to us, you must check them all so precisely as much as possible. We can make sure of that all obsession is caused from our habitual idea holding way in our brain.

When we reflect ourselves in our own past data in terms of juridical things, other social conventional decision makings and academic researching things.

But all these idea habit might have been just the learned practice with educational convention, but even these are perhaps the illusion, we could say so either.

Our past doings are substantial for existing only to those moments. Data is just only for anytime, now, but now is always shifting to another moment.

At a meaning, when we find out some very helpful breakthrough, we as if find out so rarely unknown firefly as habitat at jungle or so.

Our brain must be subsided by our neural connection and network set by nature with organizational physiologically equipped switching system, these functioned realities according to time’s absolutely distinctive perceptive view coz of its unperceptively zero tangibility. Its absolute evidencing real is time’s absolute genuine continuation as Bergson claimed in all his life.

Bergson’s genuine continuation of time means only time’s tremendously sole character, it must be relevant all things as all beings but simultaneously it must never be connected with particular beings in change and switching and much leas moving.

Only time is genuinely in continuation of itself, in other words only time could never be substituted only time itself, but other all things as beings are never so, these can all be substituted to time and space as filed in which they all change in switching and moving.

Probably our all physiologically neurological progressing must rely on its time genuine continuation as Bergson claimed in his life.

In conclusion, our true meant encounter must be just one of flashing neural incident.
But time itself must connect them just time tell its passing absolute factual data.

Just coz of it, we are always autonomously, potentially, unconsciously vigilant to all moving as far as concerned so tangibly confirmed range we can have some sense in daily life, as so finite, as long as they can impact us, so directly physiologically tangibly to us, we are absolutely selfishly so vigilant.

All moving phenomenal things are never at crossroads, all human-being and all creature have each distinctive tangibility, and only for never showing to other individual sensibility we included to all creature must make gatherings and naturally many crossroads must break up, but any physiologically gravely meant things are all perfectly private for all individuals, and crossroads themselves could never be known to it, everlastingly.
Just occasionally fortunately or so, explicit trend we can catch up with some accidental matters breaking up unexpectedly for all ones in gatherings and crossroads with each own eyes and ears, skins or so, these never crossed irrelevant many things’ symbiosis means the natural world and social word’s absolute truth to us and probably to space and time with universe.

(to be continued)
(Sep. 24th. Oct. 4th. 2019)