Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Tombstone Trenching Shooting Game Part 4.

Ned was starting to write his novels since about twenty years ago from these days, and that was first moment for doing it so consciously at keeping own professional sance, and necessarily those days were erectonically first stage of IT revolution worldwide wave. Though, essentially Ned was not website heyday absorbing generation as much as two decades younger generation, but as a writer, he was one of completely terminal users' typical common consicousness keeping writing one.

To him, about three decades ago, the most intimate location, and zone for his life after he moved to now settling place, was obviously the plain and empty field filling neighborhood of his residence, and that zone's walking was completely fixed at his life daily routine.

His writing job's the biggest reason to decide it in his life was caused from that his life spent in group activity with his younger days' general company was surrounded by awkward of dodging from any other member's conserviative cunning wisdom of escaping from position of sacrifice from any other one, for completing it, just slyly passing on responsibility with making other seemingly donkey one for sacrifice or kind of scapegoat, and generally any society, any group has the kind of sly playing among many members, that must be his the most typical reason not wanting to take one of typical group action's the represantative individually protective wisdom but the most coward behavior, and consequently, the ones who can survive only in group and having no other method to survive in life of them but precipitating found scapegoat at taking consensus with any other one except that sacrificed objected one.

After all, in looking for the sole method was just not belonging to any group, at least main job time, and very occasionally, meeting some specifically relevant ones, that job had no option but writing by himself.

Nevertheless, his true mind was potentially preserving ideally held hope to survive in savagely forests as ranger, canyon, or plateau, tableland, or so at being ranch-hand or cowboy, or so were just his the idealist content for survival, nevertheless, for taking those method, he was too urban life habitant to realize it so easily, then consequently, he frequently liked walking so long distance around his municipality seeking after excting scenery landscape and any impressive site.

Thereby, his frequently visiting locations were usually suburban relatively not so far from any small minimal town or city around capital zone.
His frustration never to be embodied according to his true hope could drag him to get that habit in his daily life.

Necessarily his usually taking job content's tendecy is deeply thinking and inputting words, though necessarily more open and relaxed physical moving is demanded in his instinct, his bodily call seduces him to head for his fovorite zone with plain field, empty rough it, with rusty drop line, now already not used for train or so, and so wild bushes, and ordinarily often his feet could be tempted to that game center, that indwelling reason must be his needing naturally environmental site and symmetrically positioned indoor enthusiastic playing time using only brain's concentration but not the same with his writing work accompanying character, these mutually contrasted actions could be appropriate at inserting intentionally according to each his emotional mode and mind mood.

Because, unexpectedly, or to say, very necessarily, bodily condition very closely related with each day's weather, climate condition and each demanding suit could be the biggest reason to opt each day's job content. Necessarily he had several main genres and mainly targetted job aim and each momentary selection among these are very intuitively decided at each occasion, and necessarily that all essential reason was deeply concerned with his younger days' so harshly painfully traumatized experience in his youth and his father's sudden death and his funeral he experienced so traumatized thing at least for him.

He was attending very many yet realized dreams or to say, just the matter wanting to experience at least once is not so few, and that unrealized everything is expressed at his writing novel's sentences and content, but very many hopeful things he'd never done ever and truly wanting emotion in his mind with so harshly frustrated spirit in gapped and tone reality could tempt him into writing at indoor situation, and after that doing, very impulsivley wanting to go out from his writing room, that outdoor inclined his passion and his past darker elements of his life in relevance with his writing act in daily life must cross to each other and necessarily heads for seeking after another diffusing desire, that could make him head for that shooting game field for these days' his daily life.

Anyway, his conveying his father's remains after his death, with undertaker his family relied on his funeral as he suddenly died at lever cansor and metastasized all around his body, after discovery to it, two or three months, after all, he died. And, after his last moment of alive time, his body was put on his using bed still in hospital room, and after it, immediately once put in coffin, his family members requested at the occasion readied for, and for conveying his body to their country home, for doing, once his body was carried out from once put coffin, and that time already passed through the own state just after dying human remains with traces of biological reactions, rigor mortis was very clealry tangible at my carrying hands and whole body with our family's requesting undertaker as the almost same generation to Ned, and he and Ned agreed that so heavy weight sighing mutually looking at to each other's face, mutually having that heavy stone tasty Ned's father's remains. His reamins could have switched to the stage deleted perfectly of erasticity of alive body to rigor mortis' complition.
At that time, my mind absorbed in very many ideas, notions around life and death for us, so obligedly.
His relationship with his father was very refracted in his all past days, necessarily either with his mother. Though his father's funeral's any concerned thing could have dragged his mind since those days to recent days, at so complicated circumstance.

To all these complicated life things, only so exciting diffusing through shooting game was the most suitable joy for him, at least at these days, Ned thought so.

In other words, life surviving time has several mutually very diffrentiated nature occasions, these are sleeping time, concentrating own job time, very physiolosically specified time for having sexual intercourse, and just walking or sometimes inserting running time, and carrying people's remains to somewhere.
And those are each very distinctively mutually exceptional and for diffusing all these in cotradictory mind acceptance, only enjoying at doing shooting game sitting in front of that game machine is the most effective at least for these days' Ned.

He arrived at his aimed visiting place as shooting game center warehouse.

In the game corner equipping warehouse, he was stepping slowly for seeking after the best machine for that moment's him.
At his roitering around machines' several lines, one so exciting twinkling visual animating images attraced his notice, suddenly after Ned inclined his eyes into it, only the machine stopped his moving around there, and he in no procrastination approached that machine's chair and he sat down. 
That machine's own used music tune and its sound excited Ned's game apirit.

He forgetting time's passing, and absorbed in that shooting gamble, he aimed at more profit with the machine. And unexpectedly, that day's condition was so better that he got so remarkable acheivement then he decided to quit the game in having the best condition, and more desirably continuing could get rather exhaustion, he knew that pace distribution for the game, then he headed for the game center's cash exchange. Shooting game's card was made plastic coin. 

At that time, his body crashed his next seat sitting one younger guy than him sitting at the next machine, because accidentally he simultaneously tried to stand up for the same object to Ned, Ned immediately appologized him saying, "Sorry!", because Ned was safer at crashing, he still had his getting plastic coins, but that younger one with that crash, put his holding plastic coin box down to the that field's floor, then immediately he tried to pick them all to his holding box, necessarily Ned helped his picking up his coin, after he put his box on that floor beside his standing position.
To Ned's action taking care of his crashing guy, that one said to him, "Sorry, I'm either having error not being so careful." he momentarily showing his smile, and he continued to pick them up to his box, and soon two ones completed and at the moment, after confirming two could picked them all, and no other coin could be seen, Ned supposed him saying, "Sorry, this time I treat you some coffee at that corner." he indicated restroom with coffee lounge with his left hand. Toward it, that younger guy was saying to him, "Thank you very much, then, let's go to cash exchange, together.", then two men headed for the corner of warehouse building's that corner.
(to be continued)

Feb. 17th.    2022