Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Everything Seen Another with You who Appeared Out of the Blue Part1

When I had a business at a city abroad for me, you appeared out of the blue, so never allowing some other exception, in addition to in being never associated nor connected to the city, and me.

At a stretch, in switching to next moment with your showing you to us, everything got seen another, betraying all our anticipation around the city’s gatherings in necessity. You changed everything with your showing to us.

By the way, poetry thing must impact so much poets according to its content, at each writing time, written despair must bind its writer so truly in despair, written hope and wish must ascend writer’s mind to hopeful and wishful phase, and aspect to the future of poets. Written poetry’s content must change poets’ life truly.

But only you were completely exceptional.
Only you changed everything except what all poets can be influenced to what he writes.

You were always distinctive at the city, and to anybody staying at the city.
With your appearance, even so smart things for anybody were obliged to become so cheaper.
Coz of it, your being was so threat by yourself to all normal things, but to me that was seen written many poetries I could feel you as I saw everything could be switched to unimaginably unexpected phase.

Newly meeting to somebody with remarkable something makes anybody around it awoken to have unknow power ever never met, awoken until the meeting to the one.

Why so many persons try to make new lover after losing former lover is caused from this truth, perhaps, but almost cases would be failed around its retrial.

But all so stark, how long must we vagabond all around for getting true love?
Can the ultimate our destination around acquiring true love be feasible?

Can true love fulfilling be really met?

We can never manage nor control all things to meet true love, so really, just coz of it, anytime when we feel new miraculous one’s conveying loving emotion to anybody is so out of the blue.

Then, if we find the one carries us so unforgotten true love, our all habitually held views to everything must be changed and everything could be seen another.

So, thus you who appeared in front of us, would change all of our habit to look at everything in another way, and you once came to us, everything could be seen another even in reminiscence, just with you, your person’s presence!
Hence, you appeared out of the blue, it’s all.
(To be continued)

(Oct. 5, 6, 7th. 2019)