Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Where-ever You Stay, There’s Your Home! Part1/ Crossroads Bringing Stroke Part3

“Obviously the chief policeman guy was conscious to the news reporting camera at the shooting incident occurred at the small island, his expression was wrapped with particular heroism witch he could think his contribution to his organization, the people of the islands with larger it and mainland to preside with the sole party must be in continuous resentment by Queen’s nation’s suzerain sovereign policy for 99 years, then they think that they by themselves only help them, that sort of obsessive notion is so deepened to any citizen, then their small island’s two capitalists are listed to Forbes top 30, and mainland them were included to two person, that fact might have driven them to be hostile.”
One poor shabby coat wearing older one talked to next younger one who dropped out from university in incapability to spend university lecture fees and he now helps the neighbor of his raised home town’s church at every Sunday, and does part time job evening at material stream’s logistic warehouse with forklift controlling. Sometimes he visits the town corner’s sewer below the manhole cover, coz there was comparatively warmer even at from autumn to winter coz close the place older man stayed for almost all day was close to the next building’s underground air conditioning outlet, but there was either the home for bigger sized fat rats, then he eats food getting at the next Church Sunday, and his food is shared to several rats staying there.
Younger university dropping guy questioned to older man,
“As I observed the policeman who was trying to manage and control the masked demonstrating students and did gun shooting showed his mental ecstasy as if porno actresses in front of shooting camera would be raptured at their own acmes stimulated by camera eyes and shooting stuffs with their own masochistic emotion naturally driven in their professional spots, how is my idea? Coz when I appreciate them, their eyes are so enraptured with camera eyes and consciously their waists and butts moving on the actors’ waists’ piston movement according to male actors’ mood is usually so accelerated moreover.”
Younger one questioned homeless unemployed older guy, toward poor church’s philanthropy’s engaging younger guy, older guy staying at sewer replied to him, saying
“My father was employee of cleaning company at this city located at outskirt of this main town, but at his student age, teach-in were frequently opened at university he was never university student but he at those days, served food for university’s financing employees’ lunch, at the days of layoff of his company, I eventually got employed by the same company several decades ago, but two years ago, I was out of the blue fired by manager, coz company’s managing’s financing circumstance, but as what you mentioned now, porno movie industry was gaining ground at my deceased dad’s younger days at this country and so many Rock music was gradually developing the larger market and the ones got the big success appeared so next to next, but as you said, police officer’s narcissism is so ordinarily easy to be excited with camera reporting clues, this town’s suburb’s highways usually have so often speeding catching to the violent car, and sometimes slam gang guys’ African citizens and Latinos with guns, tough control was done, heroic acting enraptured by shooting and threatening oneself is never so rare in this city from so earlier days of this town. In other words, this country has kept the culture of violent claim to the authority and controlling by the police to them is each one of the sightseeing business shows to visitors from abroad as well as gun industry and military of this nation.”
Nodding to his opinion, younger one asked him again,
“Do you intend to participate this weekend’s gathering of opposition party, with candidate of next Presidential election, how do you do?”
Toward it, poor homeless manhole inhabitant’s elder guy replied so powerlessly,
“Any day, tomorrow never knows, tomorrow has own wind with that day’s circumstance. But on smartphone I’ll check it any moment at the gathering.”

At Middle East’s front air-force base, one female pilot speaks to her daughter with her smartphone, before departure of reconnaissance airplane, with its information helped by intelligence gathering clues with knowledge of wireless communication, she asked her daughter,
“How is going on your homework at primary school? By this weekend’s reunion visit of your father, do it all so smartly so speedily as much as possible. Don’t see TV programs so often, if you are never wanting to be now your ex-dad. He with no knowledge and cheated me when I was mission of aircraft several years ago, you were never so yet mature in very infantile days, but he has either so warm-hearted to you. It is completely another matter to me and his job.”
Around her in standing by her mission, Forces’ Network of radio and television’s sound were heard wither to her ears, in lunch time of air-force base.
So many younger mechanics, pilots, information gatherers, financing clues, doctors, walking dogs’ trainers, or so filed with any space of the air-force base at this Middle East’s nation’s city outskirt beside the sea.
(to be continued) 

(Oct4, 8, 13th. 2019)