Blog for Nameless-Value

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Your Coloring Road

You have no scheduled harmony.
Because you anytime survive only uncertainty dominating reality at applying only improvisation abiding running on your days.

Your coloring road must be consistently follow your option.

Your nice eyes' stroke to world makes you so infinitely left ones unforgettable suggestion.

In world, so infinitely abandoned and desolated ones are staying at any place, any corner of the world and that'd be real reality in world.

Your eyes' beaming must make early spring skies saturated with first spring sporadic gust which carries air shedding to any small opening.

Your mind conceiving aperture anytime tries to embed your noticing effective empty mind space.

You therefore don't need any niche.
Because for you, only never compensated poor beauty must be your truly affectionate mind's direction. Then your direction is not only target, because your eyes beam and whispering voice is only for carried to any never compensated one's own tiredness otherwise disappointment.

Yes, if daringly we try to define your mercy, it'd be what your happiness depends on only giving some easiest cradle wrapped by your merciful affection to anyone in despair.

If your happIness is picked up for own interpretation, it'd be giving all things you at each moment have to anyone in poor situation whose possession is just only wanting only a small ease at being touched by your natural contact.

Occasionally, there your small naturally contacting appearance makes small happiness.
Though it's not intended will nor object.

Your eyes' beaming must make any mercilessly plundered ones only easy smile and thankful teardrops for a moment. It is just ease.

Your coloring road must heal so wounded mind into gradually positively encourage any exhaustion for anyone in mind darkness.
Because you do never force nor propel anyone unnecessarily, just you light any poor conditioned one.

Your coloring road must continue to kindle anyone's hurt mind in recollection of your small smile and whispering singing voice.

Mar. 27, 28th.    2022

Appendix This poetry is dedicated to all pure-hearted ones including that beautifully singing girl in Ukraine for cheering mind darkened ones in her home country with her national anthem.