Blog for Nameless-Value

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Life Waves a.

Human thing probably as far as concerned with that only nothing about what he should do is never set as mind's conviction, only nothing could be done. Though, first having centain confidence about what should be done by the one must be the most credible convincing reason for doing something.
Though if any doubt could never be interacted with own idea, that one half could get success.
Nevertheless, if it'd be just correct, in doing anything, unexpected situation could be done and necessarily criticism must be done by any other opposing idea attending one.

Though nobody could do something not in taking care of reaction toward what we do.

Then, consequently any conviction to what we personally believe in around what we should do is the most indespensable mind's appearance, nevertheless, even if the condition is satisfied, still another disurting factor could never be deleted, that must be true appearance of our own life's going.

E.g. communism, socialism things could have been made in necessity around any regarded capitalism, liberal economic activity's justice in doubting what it should never be done so well, and in fact, actually in warfare miserably harder deployment made by both sides, any stock ivenstment could never be disturbed, then eventually any precious life could be sacrificed at two countries' warfare in long run.

Nevertheless, after all, than unnecessarily intervening to one side justice, doing nothing could be better, that judging justice could convince us so normally.
However, probably anybody could never abandon any what the one had an idea which must be worthwhile at doing so well, though eventually nobody could interfare with any irrelevant matter no matter what done all things could be seen injustice, consequently nobody could intervene in that thing so unnecessarily, because that action's correctness and necessity must be questioned afterward the one did so honestly according to the one's credo.

Though no matter what unnecessarily regarded thting could be generating, nobody essentially could not do so well for solving, because anybody must be just powerless.

Though, essentially if we have certain conviction around justice of our dutiful action and attitude so honestly, surely we'd complete half moutain crimbing, nevertheless, we necessarily have socially responsibly assessable reality, though eventually we could not complete anytime even if we have certain conviction around what we should do.

There, so simply let's try some assumption around warfare's going in the future.

Russia will soon be unable to continue the war and will enter into negotiations to end it. The world's sympathy for Ukraine depends on the movement of the world to benefit them as much as possible, and on the contrary, it will be the Great Depression that drives Russia more and more and waits at the end. In other words, the challenge for the world now is not to drive Russia too much. Don't make Ukraine justice too much.

This year will be a much tougher global economy than last year. Moreover, it will be as soon as the end of the year. From now on, if you don't waste too much and get into the habit of refraining from consumption, you will see a groan at the end of the day. This year will be a pretty tough year. I have some determination around what I need to be prepared from now on. Unless a clever way to make money is found. It will be more and more next year.

Nevertheless, unless we are not directly concerned with this time's warfare in conflict and hostility, we personally should not be unnecessarily negative around what we can do in this reality as regarding so powerless and irresponsble, anybody must have irresistibly not responsible action obligedly. 
Because anybody must have conceranable limitation, though we should never be pessimistic around waht we can really do, so negatively.

By the way, the introspectively written sentences like this article could be necessary only at having some questionable mind to anybody, and that thing should not be forced to read, and we certainly should know our own power executing range in steady limit, nevertheless, anybody could have some procrastinating moment around anything, though reading the sentences like this article could be come up to our private life not so rarely.

Though, in knowing that all our life's aspect, we can know that no matter how we can inject our own power into doing so well as a citizen, any unexpected uncertainty must have attack to our private life like any warfare sufferer at this time incident.
At the aspectual phase, how we personally arrange our mind's confused condition in obliged development in world stage around politically and economically integrally never inescapable for anybody.

Actually, any country has nation order and hegemonic reciprocal circumustance and own historical convention. Very rather streotyped prejudice could have been imputted and implanted in any national citizen, and the reality is never understandable for any other not directly concerned citizen in any region in the world.

Though, fundamentally any unnecessary intevention must be just only sinful action, nevertheless, now world must have own common responsible community's nature too, thouh, only neglecting to anything could not be allowed to any country.

Just, we can say that to us, no matter what kind of so desparate situation and circustance we are obliged to be concerned with or involved with, anytime some credible idea and course should have been deliberated and prepared for any emergently necessary situation.

Because life goes on only uncertain feature and that fact by itself must give us a condition that any life for us personally is just identified with our life's own nature that life waves, nothing but it could be no life. That's the proof that nothing could never be irrelevant with our own life condition as long as we survive in this earth.
(irregularly to be continued)

Mar. 31st.   2022