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Civilizational Pathology a. Parents

At some dimentional interpretation, at the matter of fact, one great one's achievement must include some spiritually toraumatized pathologoical abnormality.
And rather for overcoming that distress around attending insanely  bizare nature with so specific persistence toward own child, or children by parants is referrably typical civilization sickness as term of mentality and pcychiatrically typically appearing case is doting on own children.
That representative mental sickness but unaware to the one whose symptom could be easily presumable is seen on father and mother for their children.

Relatively, actually nowadays' that kind of analytial approach in personal trial must have been deleted any prejudice or streotyped discriminating mind from any at least so intellectual mindset abiding sufficiency's degree.
Nevertheless, their uneducated sensitivity held by them is prone to hide that spiritual part so desperately with some their so strong social vanity for pretending to be normal to anybody except them.

I am not anthlopologist, though otherwise already tribal community could have attended that spiritual tendency in ancient eras, to unpioneered zones in middle ages, or modernized eras.
Otherwise, GDP numerical value's higher degree achievement and already accomplished level or so could be concerned with personally desperately hiding mind intention which is obliged to be done to not intellectual parents.

In other words, persistently deeply loving emotion to own children is kind of inferior complex around own intellectual educated degree and socially class consciousness's loser's awareness to them personally, necessarily that refracted complex dragging own shameful mind could make them predend not to attend that nature or desperately pretending not to have that mind.

These so privately holding own refrated mind and emotion is not shown to public so dandidly, nevertheless, that mind's equiping reality unnaturally shows their own anxiety at some so accidental occasion
According to the consciousness around having it in inferior complexed mind, they are apt to hide that mind holding idea's part so desperately, and that emotion in contray effect, that mind's typical timidness could have been exposed from their attitude and to those things, some ones could notcieably concentrate at observing and witnessing so objectively.
That very cold hearted as perfect aobsence of any religious merciful spirit either in not only christianity but also at any regelious sect familiy.

Attitude's unaturally shyness unnaturally shown publicly must be derived on their shortage and so harsh devoid of self-confidence at the dimension of social status consciousness or so.

They should take their mind so confidently in believing in own credo around having social life.
At some extent around interpreting these so twisted mentality, at the matter of fact, no matter small they can have in mind as trustworthy to own interest and actuation for realizing that conscoiousness into really taken social life with any human relation, if they can have some so confident mind as what they can feel happiness at engaging them in that activity, they could never have any mean nor servile mind around spending social life and they don't have to anticupate their cnhildren so extremely in the pathological lavell, but that each independently frank relation between parents and children must need some long and enough try and error iteration period, occasionally several decades or so.
That must mean civilizatioal pathological one typically confirmable symptom.

To some extent, originally marriage system means that each very differentiated family environmental couple's one so harsh experiment around co-habitation as the basic form we could never evade.

Very exceptionally, that formalized family life spending conventional practicing could be adandoned by recently so many ones as human right given gender of not classical typed, and they nowadays are in some progress around creating new typed family, that is not that bad, but meanwhile so many conservatively taking attitude citizens are never increased so much.

Parents and children in relationship must get transition around mutually facing and contacting stance and daily habit, but parents and children mutually personally have own social relationship and relevance and recipocity in terms of very manyv socially regarded items, though these socially mechanically complexed condition could mitigate mutual unnecessary emotional collision. Though, after all, mutually they should consciously take distance together in implicit care and daily small attention.

I'm never so familiar with modernized eras' great literture, but probalby that kind of so usefully referrable theme could have been persued by many great novelists.
Though, intentionally and cosciously having that dimensional interes and curiosity, reading these masterpieces could be so useful and advantageous for recognizing own private family relation and reality.
(to be continued)

Apr. 16th.    2022