Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Unknown to Prospect Before it’d be Tried a.

Love must never be expected in no experienced condition to anyone.

Because only impression to interested object and true appearance must have ultimate gap.

That could be applied either to country’s true will or intention and nationalities’ them either.

One country’s invasion to another one means so miserable, but no other countries could truly want that warfare ceased from the bottom of mind.

Consequently indifferent stance could be the minimal posture to take for any country, because no country could intervene any other country’s safety as much as own country’s it.

This harsh, but very necessary truth mus never discriminate between one love partner’s mind and each country’s true mind.

Ultimately, around anything, if we grapple with, everything is just unknown to prospect before it’d be tried for anyone no matter what we try.

Syrup thing is known to the taste after licking with our tongue, the truth is never exceptional not only for personally tangible joyfully necessary or nationally trustworthy.

Things’ own nature abiding propensity no matter how any other one is liking or not, that could never be altered so arbitrarily easily to anyone.

That’s our life tacit universally known truth.

Wrinkling made at the middle of the blow and personally tangible physically given thing are never remotely prepared for our nature given sense.

Pear tasting and peer pressure must have the same intrinsic nature, you know.

Private treasure’s assessing sense gathers into made some national conseusus.

Though nation, fellowship, comradeship and personally intoxicated moment’s rejoice have no border, just some are outspoken, but another are implicitly silent favorably abiding, but that gap is not so serious at taking own life pleasure satisfied for personally, yeah, world thing must be the one which we-dealt procedural successful ones’ victory anytime is readied for as the plenarily set premise for sustaining carnal consensus.

In these pleasurable whirlpool, invading ones and invaded ones are never at differentiated dimensional habitants, you know.

Because consequently, we all are having nothing but only arbitrarily concessive compromising deal abiding solution, in any near-miss mutual lack of sympathy, eventually only compromising mind device must get us all into peaceful conclusion.

Nobody wants that only twisted complication consequences to any site!

Apr. 17th. 2022

(Irregularly to be continued)