Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

How can We Send Own Message? A.

Probably, to anybody, ultimate object or hope could not be so gapped nor differentiated around life spending in whole life span, that must be generally getting our own life so happily and realize that course accompanying appearance.

But how we can make it so is to each one, very specifically personally different and privately gapped mutually.

E.g. at least to me, I want to continue my writing act around making sentences or so until I die, but to embody what I need to my sentences and my idea around life generally and offcially, I at each occasion, must deliberate and deeply consider how my idea could be sent to general readers or so.
And for embodying it, I constantly need each occasionally own strategy and that must depend on what site I should opt, what kind of timing I should release my setences, or at very many items, constantly I have some pain in my mind for arranging all my course and method.

In other words, to my idea expressed, confessed, publicized in my written thing, what type of citizen with each own idea could get my works interpreted so properly is each occasion so arbitrarily different, but to some specific content, some extent mass ones could get sympathy or kind of reverbrating echo to me directly or indirectly.

One thing is at least to me so important, that must be how kind of reaction made to my work in my own judgement from any readers, as visitors, that thing is indespensable and according to each momentary my totalized entire impression and my acceptance toward each reader's reaction makes me next and another strategy and my stance as my creative course or ideology.
And for running these things so well, what type of people could react and need in my sentences and my opting site, that my own assessment is so integrally vital.

Because at each my opting site, acceptance and needing mind to one my work is each very personlly unique.
Of course, anytime any reaction and any my expecting and that consequence are never constantly the same, far from it, at each occasion, very specifically different and gapped, that uncertainty must dominate my all occasions around releasing my work.

Each site has each so uniquely specific acceptance and receiving pattern around reading sent my sentences with my own message, though in frank, each site has each peersonally own stratum, layer or so at least for reading any sentence in idea and course must be there at each one.

For one item, each one has own incomparably unique idea and sensitivity as a reader, and that thing is unexpectedly the most grave and so essential.
E.g. to life, to love, anyone has own idea and course, belief, creed or so.
Anyone probably has different idea, thought and philosophy around any item, and each of it could never be embedded with any my effort nor strategy, that so obvious impossibility around convincing everyone is rather my the most important and indespensably required and demanded condtion for creating sentences releasing chance and my working actuation.

If any outcome or any echo as reverbrating reaction, or so could be previously presumably and really any of them could be done along with my previously had idea, I have no motivation around making sentences and releasing them.

No matter how so complicated question or proposition I could approach and grapple with, after all, even at some moment I can assume that reaction from any reader could be precisely interpreted and at it is corresponded and no unexpected reaction or that result could only be realized, how can I keep that serially done my writing act for long time in my life?

In range we can expect is anytime so limited and not so essentially important, necessarily some expectation and previously taken inference and presumptive idea could be anytime gernerated in my mind, but any consequently hit and correctly expected thing is so partial.
And just that uncertainty means so much at least actuating myself continue to write something in my life.

Rather, in its not expectable and not prior so presumptive thing must be the more siginified reason to address to doing anything for us, so personally and after all, any very individually specific idea and thought is never genuinely only private nor so personal it, rather constantly it'd be simlutaneously so general and publicly so normal, in other words, only purely so individual or so ultra-private thing could be done to us, at any personal doing, rather that reality could be so abnormally dangerous matter to us, necessarily very uniquely thought and made idea is not that bad, but at the same time, more so universally interpretable truth should be taken in our made setences.

That necessity probably runs even in so adventurously radical trial and that each occasionally nature is never so impacted essentially.

In other words, at any previously expectedly so exceptionally unique idea or thought as life stance or point of view, that could never so absolutely be segregated to any other one, that case is hardly done to us, there, we can find out some very important and significant reason to express our own idea and have a chance to publicize it so honestly.

(Irregularly to be continued)

Apr. 19th.   2022