Blog for Nameless-Value

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Being in Idea made in Substance A.

Beauty is made on some horizon in which simultaneously also filth is made.
Consequently to some specified extent, any degree is arbitrarily made in our world.

Though justice is either that procedural legacy, that has no privilege around given position in our admitting field.
Though essential issue is anytime reliable only on how any degree could have been made, and what identity or substance that judgment is attending to us.

Necessarily our own body makes our idea, and that body's function is based on brain's judgement, and brain makes idea, but its substance is obviously the part of body.

Though, no matter how some idea is metaphysically valuable, the presence originally was dragged from brain or mind as the part of body.

To brain, we have cognition and recognition in any other substance making it specified position arbitrarily, because just brain attending idea makes us move around anything in world.
Nevertheless, neither brain could evade body's part element and reality.
Though, if we neglect management around keeping body, our brain simultaneously withers.

Action makes our body signified, and to make us action, brain is indespensably functioned and working for keeping our brain's idea realized.

To us, action could have been derived from our awareness toward brain attending our own coginition in filed we can admit in world.
To our life, substance is constanly kind of comprehensive criterion.

Nevertheless, it is made by our brain's idea. And that idea could be awoken by our brain, and that brain is the part of our body.
And body's move is made by brain, but at the same time, that move by itself makes us our brain's idea, in other words, if we have no move in wolrd, brain has no progressed idea.

Very simply, how we can grasp substance is anytime left behind at our brain's thinking circuit.

However, obviously substance's cognition must have been introduced and dragged by our wareness to any being in world as what we can conceive with our brain in body, and body ordered by our brain.

E.g. Henri Bergson had no mentioning approach around our bodily move which makes us various idea, because he persited in only brain's judgement, but brain's judgement is made ouf our habitually taken our arbitrary action, and action is made by our brain in body and field by itself which is the part in world.

Though, any physical issue and meta-physical issue is consistently interacted with each other and our own movable reality and our own intention and desirable mind could have own cooperation in taking us in action and getting that reaction from externally recognizable world.

At some presumable dimensional comprehension, our world must have been made by our bodily action made by our conseunsus made by our brain's idea gathered in synthesis.

To us, society thing must mean the field for our idea's embodiment. And that embodiment must contribute our own body and its making life.

Our mind conscious substance is one of our mind intending mirror.
Our mind has own mirroring function and the function is schemed by brain and body in unity as our will to survive world, world means the most basic being as the necessity for giving us the evidence for survival.

Though, society thing means these our mind and body in idea and action make necessary formed outcome for us to admit our survial proof.
Thus, society is taken so precious for sustaining our own survival.
Nevertheless, society has so assorted natures and diverse realities consequently in this world, world is field for us to comprehend everything necessary for our survival.

World as some so precious one signifed fantasy means us some irresistible threat and paradise tasty field in undividable relevance.

To some interpretable sense, being either is idea, and substance too. And any being thing could never exist without our body's sensing, and that sensing owes so much to brain's judgement.

At some our necessary judgement, being and time must belong to world but simultaneously that combination must have been derived from our bodily necessity and mind attending own reality for us to survive.
And really we must need green in world as the surivival field for us all.

Any socially necessary policy thing has to serve and contribute that our using this global environment. Because our emvironment must be our the sole sharable legacy made by universe, as the providentially schemed treasure.

(Irregularly to be continued)

Apr. 20th.     2022