Blog for Nameless-Value

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We are Not God

We are not God.

Because we are unable to decide everything so defiantly nevertheless, even so carnally generous typed one could do so decisively, on the contrary, even so fastidious, punctilious one could be simultaneously so loose, nevertheless, at the same time, we are not always that we are never God, because even so dirty-minded and so incomplete and resolute or weak-minded one could be at least once could do like God, though human presence has nature that incomplete but not only perfect evil, that so halfway, but either so persistent, in other words, human presence means so contradictorily imperfect but not perfection in doing and being devil.

We are not God but we could never be perfect Satan nor rogue, even so indecent one could be occasionally so correctly judging, though entirely human thing could be so contradictory, but some kind of not forsaken enchanting nature could be equipped, that so strangely comical but so poor and sad existence and that so imbalanced but somehow humorous and never so perfect stinker, that so in-between, nevertheless, somewhat not so bad and even God could not dislike nor neglect, that kind of presence must be human, as its essence.

Yes, as long as once we are born as a human, we must have no option but surviving as one human, though imperfect our nature should be taken so generously mutually and love our nature together, and we must go onto next phase of future everlastingly, you know.

We are not God, not angel, but simultaneously we could never that we are never God, because no matter what kind of dirty one, even so momentarily, God tasty acting, thinking could be equipped in mind, that so contradictory present thing is us, you know, that’s the proof of human.

Let’s love our that nature, and sometimes, even to disgusting one, make our smile to the one, otherwise to anyone in that greeting together, because just we all are not God, and anybody once could be like God, that’s the essence of us, you see.

Apr. 21st. 2022