Blog for Nameless-Value

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Human Mind's Truth A.

Generally, cheated one by some other one's conspiracy was holding so painful emotion and grudge to that unfortunate suffering, but cheating one's mind must have own future deeply remained regret, meanwhile, cheated one's pain could be healed relatively easily.

In other words, any injustice or kind of wicked act must manage the doing one's mind sustainably never easily regretful emotion diffused in lifetime.
Meanwhile, done passively damaged one's mind could relatively recover from that exhaustion, because that suffering's direct responsible one was not that one, in other words, human mind could not lie to own thing, human must never lie that oneself so easily, that truth must manage any human's mind. because human's mind must be sustained by own self spontaneous conscientious reason by the one's own effort.

Though, at true mind around terms of ethical morale, and humane idea and thought around any our socially necessary belief, no matter how devilish idea or mind could be there in somebody, even in so tiny degree, the one could never forget that unreasonable doing specifically to any other one, human mind must have own introspectively necessary nature.

These facts must evidence why we essentially need not only practical competitive ability but also religeous mind and pious belief to absolute innocent ones' pure heart and honsty must depend on that we could never cheat only our own mind.

And that thing otherwise must prove that even if we survive competitive reality necessary society, fundamentally fair spirit must have been immanently equipped in our mind for surivial just for our own spiritual satisfaction, though basically, human thing must have afterward so remorseful mind, even if the one could have successful occasion to get advantage, the one was using so illegally malicious method, the one's mind must have own reproaching idea to the oneself for all left life span.

As long as the one is just one of human, perfectly the one must never survive the one's complete evil for better and mentally healthy spitirual life spending.
Because anybody has own mind for the one's act watched by absolute justice God or so.

(Irregularly to be continued)

May. 9th.   2022