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What Makes Essence A.

Generally, in terms of occidental philosophical adademic circle, essence’s antonym is thought phenomenon.

In phenomena, any secularity abiding idea could be postioned.
And necessarily, the kind of recogition must originate in Christianity and it outputting any moralistic, and morale idea.

Probably, essence’s necessity must have deletion consciousness of mission feeling around overcoming any savage act, indecent idea and manner which are prone to pervert us into distorted them as misbelieving seduction.

In 60th of 20century, counter culture’s reason to exist must have the necessity to accuse that stoicism’s unnaturalness, nevertheless, these days are surrounded by reaction by the ones whose idea is derived from own consciousness around presence and necessity toward backlash from those days’ indecent act and idea spread into younger generation.

That typically embodied form must be dictatorship, autocracy and its practise and execution to any natinal citizen.

However, that backlash made in cyclic moment must evidence that we’d never found the most effective critical point for pursuading any ordinary adult citizen.
In other words, human-being itself must have had no any effective indication nor trustworthy indication otherwise, aimed ideal notion nor so.

Originally, if we were besieged only with essence, we’d never have any comfort nor easy mind in any day of daily life for us.

In frank, essence must be made by justice abiding moralistic necessity and that demanding necessity necessarily makes ethically reliant any our mind’s subjective idea, and that thing is never error nor false idea, nevertheless, only that compulsion must make our daily consciousness so tired and so bored in dutiful tension mentally and spiritually.

Because essence has no loosened surplus nor kind of relaxed chance for our exhasted body and spirit, though in society any kind of gambling elements must exist even in ivestment, management of company or so.

Necessarily to these things, east sided countries have own antagonized ideas. Antagonizing idea makes antagonized iea from dictator to general citizens.

These two kinds of politically sovereignty must manage now all global community’s contradictory realities.
And, necessarily around the basic idea of religion and belief must have divided standpoint in any country and any socially present circle.

Monogamy’s idea must have been caused from policamy’s executed tribal society’s criticism originally, but actually dictatorship must allow only tyrant forgiven these acts in generosity.

With these exampled items, we can be clearly known to that any essential idea must be derived from taboo evasive wisdom and socially moralistic indecency hating idea and that must originate in an idea that indecent act must cause social disorder and that things’ general overlooking must make society confused state.

And, actually, real social phenomenal essence must be made by any kind of let-alone idea’s misleading dragging social indecency.
Nevertheless, autocracy must make nation another indecency. That is tyrant’s unsuppressible moralistic act and behavior.

Though, if 60th in 20century’s counter culture could be criticized, that introducing reality must make any society contradictory reality.
And, after all anything must come back to starting point, and freedom’s meaning in larger extent necessary, extended interpretation must be made.

Then, consequently that empty go-around in circles in debate must be made.
Nevertheless, in China, top leader was claiming not correctness around Russia’s invasion, though, this time warfare execution’s proceeding must have some sinister omen around future prospect at least for Russia, because China is already not poverty dominant country like Russia, and these countries’ own remarkable gap means so much.
Because China people at least at individual citizen’s consciousness, have own falsehood of dictatorship’s own limitation at least than Russia.

However, that gap’s ongoing’s sequel is yet identified so clearly, but gradually, that very essential mutual gap must become so seriously distanced with each other.

(Irregularly to be continued)

May. 12th. 2022