Blog for Nameless-Value

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Why Not Small Word? a.

Anybody desperately tries to make own human relation with some expectable interest around hegemonic intrigue and own scheme, and that acting socially impacting reality must have own bullying and that depends on own justice that could be democratic justice is seen blindly absolute, but basically we all are so small though even if we are individually interacting only with small world, what condemn us so critically?

Though, at least to me, only so small world must be seen so integral, because any circle must have only very hegemonic nature attending own conspiracy abiding own selfish self guarding conservative stance, though sometimes, completely not that typed one could be allowed that social presence even if the one is so invisibly present.

At least to me, at the matter of fact, of course, that could be just my too sensitive fantasy in mind, only very sneaky weakened mind ones are all implicitly scheming in conspiracy in networking some autocracy in mutually invisibly cooperative at making own range of influence, that at least to me could one kind of implicitly hegemonic scheming one fascism.

That generally is expressed by anybody's implicit mutual indifference, necessarily that could have been dragged by COVID variant evolutionary atrocious our social crisis, and sometimes we can find so personally the ones whose expression could be obliged to cry out in absolute isolation and own smothered emotion in so stressful daily reality, you know, but occasionally if somebody tries to say true mind in no guarding security, because we are essentially never the espionage missioned undercover sleepers, you know.

Sometimes, rather positively subjectively crying out guy, or gal or so should be generously watched by our gently treating mind, you know.

In frank, anybody in some reason caused from COVID variant critical tremor by our potential mind must have own very indifferent and only vigilant at any other stranger's own error, that only surveillance dominating mutually only indifferent and unconcerned own spooky social atmosphere could be seen so abnormally, then sometimes childish act as long as that could never damage socially whole order's stable state, why not so generous to that one?

From the mankind birth, we ought to have own smaller social presence nature, nevertheless, in long history of human social order accumulated own justice abiding unwritten law, anybody nowadays, tries to be so absolutely independent spontaneous policing eyes keeping potentially dispositioned soldier nature mobilizing own cold-blooded robot or destructing machine to any small mistake or error as censoring spooky police officer. You do think so too, aren't you?

Why I try to emphasize that clearly must be derived from my idea that originally we all are so small world habitant, and to that truth, probably anybody must have never be dissatisfied with any atrociously violent criticism, but nowadays, to anybody, anybody is so strictly skeptic in only vigilantly cold-blooded eyes, you know.

If our reality could be so, at least mutually so small smiling expressional eyes should be taken to each other, so frankly in so touchily done act at least it'd be so small greeting, you know!

Because in terms of enterprise or any kind of organization abiding own skeptic eyes's attending competitive mission must be necessary, but simultaneously sometimes, so humane emotional eye contact should be permitted in any city zone, even in a train, a buss or so.

Why not only loving so small world?

Why only hegemonic skeptic eyes to each other in any daily life site?


Because any social order must have been present only for keeping anybody happy, though we are never sacrificing us only for keeping legal order, because WE ARE NEVER ROBOT only for SUSTAINING SOCIAL ORDER, because any social order must exist only for SUSTAINING US in truly tangible private happiness, you know.

(Irregularly to be continued)

May. 13th. 2022