Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Irrelevantly Relevant A.

Probably everything is just independent and very only whimsically, arbitrarily, discretionarily, almost very personally motivated and selfishly, egotistically acting and opting in any reality.

Though, world thing is anytime, strictly struggling and its mutual hostility, rivalry and mutually crushing in squeaky noise and screaming into strangely, absurdly interlocked.

Though, world thing is distructly harmonized irrelevant relevance.

To the reality, some are expressing "diversity", another is disorderly just denying and refusing and rejecting to each other.

Though, world thing signifies itself twisted, crooked, and distorted insane substance.

That identity could be replaced with fanatically crazy frensy, heavy metal tone comes up to us, but done with cynically irony and detached emotion, rap tone merges with our sigh in lightning mind.

World must own negatively adjoining mutual distancing.

In other words, everything is bluffing and disgusting in breaking up from understanding.

Any presence is skeptically sneering with derogaton and insinuating to each other, mutually making sly self justification.

Thereby, their liking beauty is constantly emptily excavated hollow nuance pretentiously concocted ostentation and vice abiding cheeting skill and dirty and lazy rumor mainly dominant fake propaganda.

War, anti-war prayer are in the same dimension.

(Irregularly to be continued)

June  8th.     2022