Blog for Nameless-Value

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Beautiful World b.

Anybody knows there must be no only beautiful world at anywhere.

Nevertheless, anybody wants it when anything gets never credible in mind.

Finally, even if there could never be any perfectly beautiful world, to anybody, that wishing mind must be the beautiful one, anybody reaches to that idea.

Unidentified which that idea could originate in losing it, or from the beginning, that could have been fantasy.

Nevertheless, beautiful world could be pictured in mind to anybody.

However, we'd imagine that mind to anybody is probably the same, but that could never be confirmed so accurately.

Anybody tacitly unconsciously tries never to mention that, only the inference could come up to our mind.

However, to anybody, our own world could neither so ugly nor so dirty.

Nevertheless, that must neither neutral.

But, easily visually seen flowers midst spring denies these negative presumptions .

Yes, beautiful world could be so small and ordinary, and the thing must be that good.

Your so beautifully bloomed appearances tell me how I get satisfaction to the presence of world itself.

Thank you all beautifully welcoming ones over my walking, and  God blessing, I talk to my mind when I have disappointment to our world.

Light our real assorted not complete adjoining daily mass appearance in congregation.

Beautiful world is on you!

(Irregularly to be continued)

June 10th.     2022