Blog for Nameless-Value

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Belonging Unit Bound Reality A.

Nationalism must be derived from our own necessity for protecting our own country.

Consequently, the consciousness is based on the relevance with any other foreign country.

Nevertheless, that notion is kind of arbitrarily made mind by any kind of governing one's conspicuous intention.

Meanwhile, domesticity is more each country own d esensibility.

Though, in obliged sequel, the consciousness is easily converted by racial, ethnic discrimination.

On the other hand, nationalism is more based on ideological justice view, though ratial and ethnic discrimination could be overcome.

In the end, nationalism is more ideologically justice abiding idea and group belonging moral and humanitarian wisdom. But that appearance is left to each individual citizen's spontaneous will and belief.

Toward it, domesticity is not ethical nor moralistic mind's standard.

Though, ultimately to solve these two very mutually contradictory and incompatible ideas, we finally need theoretical standard. In frank, only God's oracle abiding our own subjective and spontaneous judgement must be left at our personal mind.

To us all, for individual survival, we must have own unit abiding group, unit, organization belonging consciousness and our daily practical necessity.

In other words, in surviving our own life, any kind of necessity around what kind of idea we should precede must be brought about by physically and mentally based necessity.

Because any our socially necessary procedure and our personally must for using in any trouble is just inescapable notional reality and mind finger.

Three persons make them sect. Necessarily, there must be coming of mutually contradictory unit's aspect, for amendment, correcting, and arrangement, or adjustment, coordination, we need belonging consciousness. A nd, these necessaries must make the unit own nationality.

In conclusion, any unit necessarily has own internally domestic and belonging consciousness, but simultaneously we need either borderless moral, ethics and justice in humane and morale abiding idea and notional consciousness.

In other words, we are all so ambivalent presence and each independent presence.

And at least toward having procrastinating mind and hesitant emotion or so should be taken into account for coordinating our totally synthesized idea and decision.

(Irregularly to be continued)

July 1st.  2022