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Around Present Pop music scene Ⅱ

Certainly, 20century's proposition was based on that world war second dragging problems abiding own externally propositioal subjects and concretely direct solution emergently necessary consciousness.
But nowadays' any issue is based on that we all necessarily have very huge influencing power, though consequently, anybody could easily be intrigued at cheeting anyone and any organization, though necessarily, very many singers and songwriters are taking own meditathvely introspective theme and stance at taking topical subject.
Though publicly regarded 20century's subjective propositioal idea was very at refracted dimension switched into medieval eras spiritual immanence dependent expressing way is superior at music scene.

Simply, 20century's pop music scene was managed by progressive mode and style pursuit and that adventurous spirht positively praised era.
But 21century's pop music scene, any very nasty problematic item is inherently derived from our mind's own proneness and the personal responsibility's shared reality's gaze is constantly demanded to anybody's mind.
 Though, 20century's Techno-Pop movement was featured as some highly progressing technological reality's palpitaing mind's expression was possibly made, but now 21century's any individual is aware of our own satanic nature by anybody's subjectivity.

Though, at any inherently evil minded nature expression, 20century's pop music expression had own very restricted few members' charisma singers and musicians' declaration tasty identity was obviously immanent.
But these days, any individual expression by any professional must have own very detached responsibility abiding consciousness. Though 20century's Techno-Pop songs were all more attached contacting stance taken released mode.

Meanwhile, these days' many songs are never surround by positive hoping mind to the future we'd share together, in other words, we anybody could be consciously noticed to our own satanic nature. Though nowadays' songs must never tempt shared hope to our common future. (at that view, Benee and Mae Mullar are very exceptionally very positively regarding around future coming.)

In other words, 20century's pop songs were opened to any listener, but nowadays them Intends to select listners' type previously, that taken stance must tell these days' own detached creative strategy.

Simply, more than 20century's musicians and singers, from the beginning, any professional singer is taking so defiant "Otaku" stance at alleged stance, not at any procrastinating nor hesitant feeling.

(Irregularly to be continued)

Aug. 6th.  2022

Appendix; Next time, more concretely I'd address to mention of this time's precise data attending specific lyrical examples, using Rock standard, Soul, or so.