Blog for Nameless-Value

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Momentary Permanence a.

Life thing should be taken at each momentarily for concentrating our own notice, curiosity and enthusiastic passion for getting something.

Life matter could be probably alright at only watching everything in only momentary satisfied completion.

Though, if only that thing could be fulfilled so enough, that Life has no questioning around length.

Because any site must have each specific wonder only the site must have.

Life could be satisfied at discovering so tiny momentary infinitely expressing everything.
Though, if somebody could survive only time length, the one could lose any tiny momentary everything, the one must lose the most precious thing in life.

Necessarily, even the one could rehabilitate the one's own life, as long as the one could awaken that mind's necessity.

Anyway, any tiny moment must have own irreplaceable and irretrievable anything.

Though, in life, awakening to that truth must tempt the mind into concentrated mind's fulfillment.

Because, probably, world's and universe's true significance must consist in that wonder pulling own encounter. Anybody ought to have that faculty, though someone could lose the chance, the one's own concentration must unnecessarily go astray.

However, once losing everything, never mind, another chance to meet that miraculous moment must visit to your mind unless you'd neglect that truth as only not forgetting that momentary beauty's identity.

Because only regarding each tiny moment must make that doing one some sole life wonder.

Any tiny moment must have own parmanence.
Probably so seen scum could have own role.

Any instantly flashy thing is just permanence composites' submission.

Everlasting running time and being's sustenance and each tiny momentary everything must be mutually equivalent with each other in taking account of topological truth, you know.

Ever after our instantly disappearing everything.

Next life means our now present tiny each momentary everything in regeneration.

Nevertheless, anything could be left as unsolved perfectly done imperfection. That mutual relevance must be kind of moebius.

Nevertheless, that mechanism could be unidentified so far, otherwise, every explicated solution could be another enigmatic questioning's beginning.

(Irregularly to be continued)

Aug. 6th.  2022