Blog for Nameless-Value

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Happiness is what You Make 1.

Mathematics deals with what we could ascertain what is never regarded as incorrect through evidencing incorrect truth.

However, happiness must never be that definitively articulated thing at least for my view.

In other words, only happiness must never be estimated at generally regarded accomplished standard.

Because life survival thing is genuinely only personally acceptable item for us ultimately.

Unless we could violate any fundamental promise for maintaining human condition, any life could be allowed to anyone who tries to survive own life condition.

Because life thing is very assorted at conditioned reality to any individual.

People's number lives exist.

That's why we have to be responsible at spending own life. Spending life means surviving any disturbance and any criticism unnecessarily we are given.

Necessarily, happiness which consists in following socially regurately correct regarded and not that one could be given to anybody, only nobody must spend both lives simultaneously nor subsquently.

(Irregularly to be continued)

Aug. 12th.    2022