Blog for Nameless-Value

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World needs Oracle C. Power, Authority and Justice b.

Any organized human social unit's fundamentally irreplaceable nature must be only closed internally top seceret attending externally clandestine conditioned formed it.

Though, if we apply some contradictory view to the reality, that very domestically conservative idea must trigger some only membership privileged order.
That must be any organization attending own irrestibly inviting fixation of ideas only in membership, necessarily, that no exit for giving refomative devise to any organization made by people arbitrarily any country, any nationally schemed organization is apt to get.

Against thoese procedural contradiction, only one method is constantly useful, that is at any regarded completed organization should preserve exit at not emergently situated condition, in other words, toward any ideally fixed mature idea completed organization, rather specifically to that ideal form, we must previously set some useful emergency reacting exit method, and that is constantly positioning criticizing freedom guaranteed circuit, and the circuit must be at mutually entrance functioned it as for domesticity, global and international entrance, and for globally, internationally viewed not directly concerned ones, domesticity entrance.

That circuit setting prior to any emergency is only left method for preventing any organized unit from inviting unnecessarily corrupted domesticity abiding fanatism and conservatively dominant tyranny at any region and any formed unit.

In other words, to any completed seen group, organized unit, we must have vigilant eyes through objectively evaluating aimed own organization for own organization's corrupting prevention must be integrally necessarily, And necessarily that evaluated object must have no discrimination in any region or any classified degree, and necessarily that so wiselyt schemed any effective transaction and any universal projection must have never been so smartly done so far in any global area and phase of our own mind.

Why I'd like to stress these projectable suggestion originates in my idea that consequently any seen perfectly composed organization must decay through absence of ventilation and that unit's own breathability domestically felt by any member, and necessarily, very cunningly the most conspicuous dictatorship and autrcacy nature featured organization must have very conspicuous cover or front for mystifying any externally executed evaluation.

After all, mutually only very familiarly bonded tight solidarity could easily be switched into very corrupted unit or organization. And according to that bond's strength, that unit's future must pull out the situation in which any emergency reacting reformable occasion and the best timing for rescuing own conservatively fixed corrupted social condition could be easily crippled.

Simply summraized like next.

Truly completed and ideally schemed or designated organization must have own evaluating system with a help of completely externally never directly concerned ones' entirely totalized and well schemed criticizing chance and that arbitration.

And necessarily, even these days' 21century global community, that idea or schemed ideally embodied state is so far completely incomplete, because still now, only order of expiration of world war second is on effective. In other words, now world must have no perfection around solving truly world economic, political crisis.

(Irregularly to be continued)

Aug. 21st.   2022