Blog for Nameless-Value

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Have the Sun in Your Mind!

Even if you'd be under darkened minded at accompanying only depressive ideas and notions for going ahead, you should make you positive, though have the sun in your mind!

Around only uncertainty and deadlocked situation manageable reality in which you are trapped by that maze, otherwise you only can deal with each tiny troublesome thing at each occasion, nevertheless just at that situation, first have the sun in your mind!

Because your mind sun must guide you to the possitive light inviting you to another positive road!
Have the sun in your mind!

Only that mindset must help you, when your mind almost has nothing but an emotion pulled into screaming. Because light shining your back draws your spirit filled with aspiration into the conceivable promised land embodied on your real presence.

Have the sun in your mind!
Even if you'd carefully cultivate new species of flowers, you'd suffer from only bad condition on your process, just at the time, your mind light tempts you to constructive appearance in which you'd be encourraged by shine of the sun.

Because postivie road must tempt you to possible future!
Have the sun in your mind!

Have the shiny welcoming to any material for inviting the hopefully lighted sun on you!
If you'd do so honestly, your will must be cheered by profound posibilities' inviting road conducted by the sun!

Believe in the sun in your mind!
That idea must make you another mind to regenerate even from the worst seen irrecoverable situation surrounding yourself.
Because only positive mind must drag your mind in regeneration!

Sep. 2nd.    2022

Appendix ; Your future abiding possible success must smile at you!