Blog for Nameless-Value

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No Heaven Promised Land 1.

Midst upheaval, human mind needs stability on the earth.

Nevertheless, running liberal activities in long period without fights makes priviledged class society's ones' plainly no sinful mind absent, but actually done merely conspiratory permanent power desire in implicitly universally versatile and ratinalistically available subconsicous hegemonic globally establishment which covers any nation consequently another huge numbers of dropouts who conceive own overturn to any silently executable powered.

Social mature progress makes in cyclic rotation destructively desirable impulse which could be out of the blue outputting frustrated magmata.

All those mechanical interlocked human spirits tempt worldwide dissatisfied minded waves having another type of hegemonic alliance.
There many fights bud in many places.

Those all appearances make our global world cyclic revolving reality.
Compression and decompression in turn consequently on the earth provides us then proof just for "No Heaven Promised Land" under fixation of suppressive fight against unnecessary fights.

In other words, in appropriately regarded very elegantly executed oppressive power by bureaucrats' bureaucratism in own stability in exploitative procedural power which covers whole sovereign states consequently instigates some very remarkably powerful dropouts' wavy violence which is stirred up in radical criticism to superficial peaceful concoction in keeping formal stability which appeals the sole justice, though some acute demolishing spirit and gapped emotion to proclaimed aspired no fight absolute correctness explodes in mashrooming advocacy to invadors.

Necessarily the ones who are criticized are libelalism fundamentalists and higher degree intelligent bureaucrats. Their no unnecessary fights ideal ideology drives all dissatisfied parties driven to riots, and invasion, and those in nationalities' difference is ineffective at criticizing their each provocation. No social order, no nation's identity are just persuasive for each of them.

Only very integral point is their genuinely frustration to established class privileaged ones.
That mentioned objects must include rioters and the head of state.

Finally, again and again, "No Promised Land" affirmation generates under the surface of water at any region, and any country.

Liberalism's lukewarm generosity to bureaucratism makes many places reactionary discontent elements.
Though, offcially, justice abiding formalism negatively agitates those dangerous parties of cuorrupt elements.

Finally, absolute affirmation to merely jurisprudent absolutism makes terrorism justification to their executing presence.

"No Heaven Promised Land" is set on those interlocked irresistible mechanism.

However, that tepid inertia for justifying no criticism peace in elite organization's own formalism and offcialism makes many resistant terrorism in any region on the earth.

Nevertheless, on the other hand, in those frustrated waves, either great poets through their genius poetries erupt in any region, the reality is probably the sole happiness felt moment in any corner of towns.

Yes, finally, small corner's happy lamplight is the finnest hope to next new eras for us all, you know.

(Irregularly continued)

Sep. 4th.   2022