Blog for Nameless-Value

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Twisted Global Reality is Absurdly Comical like Blackened Parody B.

Our these days are exactly on a reality in which anybody is not only belonging to one specific community, but anybody tries to have something to do with plural gatherings at least around west sided cotntries.

That typically easily arbitrary optional reality makes us own nature of society.

That must be what any professional circle must have very precisely subdivided feature and necessity reacting only very each own nature attending mutually perfectly divided circle.

That means that those days society's own mutually interlocked social human relational cooperative co-existance could diffuse to each piece.

That very universally shared realities at liberal countries could reverbrate not westernized countries' social realities made into persistently insisting on absolutely solidality totalled whole appearance manageable country's nature.  

In other words, after all, each country has implicitly taken stance to be conscious about any other country's own circumstance at each occasion.

That globally almost identical reality is definitely made by obviously globally networked reporting mass-communication realities and that reality outputting own mutual curiosity and specifically made byproduct and domestically solidarity abiding small world consciousness.


Additionally, at least at liberal countries, any citizen has own each individual person's private demand, necessity and wish or demand and easily use personal terminal of mobile-phone, those sum-up own ochrocratic social atmosphere, the synchronic movement necessarily transmits even not liberal countries' each citizen.

In other words, days' social realities must make very small numerously infinite small clusters and each presence must have own segregated kind of "OTAKU" nature and features.

However, those all interlocked realities necessarily make totalitalianism consequemtly.

In other words, mutually easily corresponding real aspect's synchronicity makes global society own acceptance for generosity around generosity to implicitly looking over mutual fascism.

In terms of sensibility, that must be each perfectly separated selfish sensitivity.

To that own these days' feature, for the time being, why don't we define "SADISTIC AGITATING SHOOTING GAME GLOBALITY"?

That social necessarily tempting danger is that we unknowingly could be sadist at own mind to any other one.

(Irregularly continued)

Sep. 6th. 2022