Blog for Nameless-Value

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Multiple Intelligence in mutually Indifferent Curiosty in Plural Roads 1.

World must be composed with very distorted and irregularly paralleled running, because, one computer machine was given birth at its necessary usage demand, but for sales and beforehand these market deals, that computer product process had very many mutually almost usually irrelevant each very remotely discriminated kind of professionals are by and large engaged so necessarily.

One computer has own integral circuit and that basis material at produced process and many engineers. Simultaneously, for planned commodity, many computer moving and practiced usage embodiment concern many engineers were concerned and involved with some specialized territory.

In frank, integral circuit base producing professional artists are never related with compiler principle pioneers, even at once, nevertheless, any computer will never be sold nor used by any general user to that product in absence of them.

Craft work processing artists generally must never be involved with any programming professional pioneer, nevertheless, mutually which is origin could never be specified. Both necessity and demand were independently functioned from very older days in human history.

Because for anyone around one product which could go through with, only very narrowly focused domain must be allotted to any craftsman and any programming concern professional engineer.

Just they each know own positioned professional technological knowhow and any professional secret technique.

Those mentioned our social habitual interlocked realities are to any citizen some necessarily given truth, though almost social citizens are congenitally known to it and in premise anybody tries to make the one the own part in which that maximal ability could be seen so positively contribution worthwhile, and our the most integral and not doubtfully any skepticism could be carried in the truth.

"We necessarily must keep the silence around what we can have only what we could take it only not told so definitely." That is Ludwig Wittgenstein's so famous enlightening remark.

This essay's "indifference" does not always mean that we are just apathetic around any territory in which we can have few responsibility.

Far from it, that remark is rather so penetrating wisdom. Because we must need any kind of necessary and appropriate distance.

In other words, that our care must include some intrinsic truth.

Because we are necessarily demanded to have some absolutely trustworthy measure for knowing our own truly personally interactive domain. 

The compass signifies our substantially responsible truth. Though, probably we only through the indication can make our own faculty applicable to the most suitable field.

Though, essentially, to us, world thing must be what only universal truth can go through any disabled unknown identified field. Because if that universality was seen ambiguous, any other credible or trustworthy measure must be caught or provided to our belief.

Belief is finger, and axis. Probably without it, we'd never advance to any steep unidentified uncertain future.

In other words, what changes only seen vague identity so into clearly interpretative trustworthy legacy is that our personally credible compass in our mind.

The reason is not certain so far, but one thing we can claim so credibly is that world must be seen and interpretative so to multiply intelligence at least at catching in one stroke for looking for truly available and utilized versatile, because we should never regard any unidentified territory only so easily understandable.

Because truly helpful simplicity must be multiplied exploratory tools and methods for inquiring any unidentified territory. Though, if we can belive positively our curiosity around seen only unidentified and not well known thing, we must find out truly necessary pursuit worthwhile path which must joint subsquent road.

Because road must be what we should make us for pioneering unexplored territory and only at the moment we can believe divinity attending light in mind, truly useful indication emerges to our mind.

Yes, any value could be prepared for our proceeding, our self-confidence must be attached to our mind compass and through it, we'd run anything so usefully at least for disclosing only murky mystified field in publicly useful light searched for going ahead to our productive future.

(Irregularly continued)

Sep. 9th. 2022