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Contemporary citizens' Subconscious Mind Intends to Medieval Nature e. Strange Adjacency②

One religeously strict conventional order and ethically regulatory country's public moral abiding national idea is still effective at governing national citizens, none the less, even naturally governing manageable leaders have displaying their own respect to general popularity's social impacting around public opinion.

Because demonstrating people in resisting authentic leaders class ones' own controllable stance and attitude was outputting involving sacrificed ones as more than 50 people.

Nevertheless, their general citizens these days' own protestations stance and that nature was obviously impacted by GDP top democratic and capitalism leader country's 20century's counter culture social movement at a decade and several years after beginning days of half latter at the century.

In other words, meanwhile any country has some naturally own circumstance, but at the same time any country must have irresistible reality of being never limited and controlled at any globally movable and happening things' informative catching eyes and ears.

Though any country has own domesticity abiding nationally own circumstance but simultaneously any country must never neglect globally irresistible change and that attending informative sensing and catching necessity and reacting attitude to any globally necessary movement.

In this term, no country must be able to make it absolutely only dictatorship abiding sovereignty order.

These serially typically never denied truth must show us some very useful instruction.

That is what we all are alive at and survive never neglectable adjacent reality.

That factual indicating necessity is very vitally important.


In other words, no matter what disorder to any sophisticated completion around national and domestically necessary order is given to us, perfect control to any citizen is basically impossible at these days' global community abiding justice.

And at this reality, certainly mass-communication network and journalism's global network must have contributed at never denied dimensional interpretative necessity.

We on the earth simultaneously have the globally own mutual interlocked reality.

Nevertheless, we all are individually on each specific national identity, and anybody is only at one own identified nationality abiding consciousness, though we are given only very small and restricted ideas, information, in the term, anybody is the same conditioned.

None the less, we are easily getting own fantasy around globally moving capturing universal view, but any individual one must be given very small and limited empirically credible ideas.

In spite of very synchronically interlocked reality abiding consciousness of us, that viewable appearance is absolutely managed by our prejudiced and stereotyped remark and only subjective view surrounds our mind.

Nevertheless, when we watch global appearance through our domestic ideas, we are prone to have very universal idea and ideally true information.

However, we should keep an eye on our very easily precipitating nature to regard that view as so macro, but constantly we can have only very narrowed and small limited own dogmatized idea and viewpoint. Because that must be our own disposition around attending mind so personally. 

Because any seen objectively regarded idea must be viewing only through our own small angled appearance, rather coz of it, any totalled and comprehensive view should be regarded as each occasionally expediently taken one suggestion.

(Irregularly continued)

Oct 6th.   2022

Appendix; According to precise of gotten information, we should know that the view's objectivity must be very small our presence's proof and to us, being very appropriately objective means just very subjective, because we are never God nor Lord.