Blog for Nameless-Value

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Writing Ones A. Keeping on Expiring

Writing ones could have not gotten enough socially seen happiness. Because the ones in true happiness must have no need to question anything around definitive happiness.

Though, if from them, own happiness could be robbed by some irresistible power, they'd never diffuse sadness. To them, only no method to get rid of happiness than being unable to write.

Writers perhaps try to keep their own detached ideas. That'd be what does never end in plainly ceaseless running.

Its substance must be acting intentionally to expire so almost permanently, having everlasting continuous expiration, in other words, keeping only ending so serially.

That seen so empty phenomenal mind's capture means rather positive affirmation to what could not progress in merely keeping never radically converted state.

None the less, that nature is never nihilistic introspection, never yet, that'd be so positive affirmation to what could be regardless to mention.

That's being's not visibly appealing nor emphasizing some outstanding feature. Though, rather merely so absent-minded manner or behavior. But these are never abandonment abiding nor ambivalently cooled view.

Only everlastingly never regenerating, but more very creatively not wavy just flat immovable running on inactively made stagnant but only affirmative stalemated, no stressed commonplaceness, nevertheless very normally seen natural, never seen negatively rather very welcoming state, you know.

Though, writing is to anybody doing it in ease.

It signifies itself with keeping going on only statically statistically never overwhelmingly deployed, merely sober, and quietly subdued doting on installed simply elenental something. 

In other words, writing one's own actuation rather means more creative never dynamic but substantially the most profound action which includes some potentiality abiding digging out own stopping mind to everything to reach the endless contact to forever, everlasting.

Because these permanent nature must mean being attached to still and essentially calmed nature (That's why I refer keeping on expiring).

Our naturally normally daily simplicity and its essence is obviously very sustainable alve put sole present appearance, those all are having no unnecessary change.

(Irregularly continued)

Nov. 2nd., 3rd.   2022

Appendix; In fact, to only changing everything is never so proper to any domain, that view is typically seen there. By the way, 'keeping on expiring" is derived from Heideggar's "Voterage und Aufsatze".