Blog for Nameless-Value

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Is Rationalism Universal? A.

Rationalism's ultimate shortage is trying to delete any error. But it extremely wipes out it than necenecessity, though necessarily it'd never take in uncnrtainty in any projecting scheme, though the formalism's own stiffening must be made.

That resulting must be done at only efficiency abiding atitude.

Thus, rather we should regard perfection as not folfollowing only no error outputting and appropriately taking uncertainly positively in assessing how we can take some creative incomplition.

Extremely only applying rationalism in politics and governing must invite negatively stiffening formal procedures only respecting performance.

That typed running means only efficiency abiding attitude, truly we should make discovery and findings at having try and error.

Stiffening bureaucratism must invite only flexibility shortage formalism.

We should convert our course not no error outputting and rather taking advantage of useful error.

We should drag our useful courses conversion in try and error. Efficiency should be regarded at totalled and consequently outputted deployable future possibilities.

Before deleting error in fixation, first testing any possible useful error. Because that trial must extend our potential performance territory and drag that applicable domain and field we'd apply and test in looking for advantageous touchstone in updating try and error.

(Irregularly continued)

Appendix; Theorem of Godel's Incompleteness shouldbe referred. 

From next chance to address to the theme, not

fixing the sole possibility and perfection's significance. Because perfection, far from it, even completion or prosecution must be belong to and be complied with otherwise consist in subjective view and only knowing ip must be the closest to finding updated complition. And it means perception's definition's evolved updated scheme.

Nov. 5th.  2022