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Privately Conceivable Idea that True Mind is Plural as Necessity

Bereaucrat ever experienced ex-bureaucrat citizen's own appearance is never showing any true mind generally, but to that to some extent unnatural atmosphere is never my favorite attitude.

Nevertheless too emotionally expressing is not so better, but at least to me, rather that appearance is endurable than only officially only manner abiding or formalized courtesy expressing own sophistication is pressuring my nerve so personally.

However, so stark, what does true mind mean?

On the contrary, constantly, what only one true mind is held in ming must be rather more insane. Personally I can think so. Because only formal or official mentioning is not always correct, even if only rarely exposing only true mind is not so appropriate.

Actually, anytime plurally holding each differentiated true minds irg rather so natural, we'd say so honestly.

Surely exposing everything constantly is not so proper in terms of social commonsense, but simultaneously anytime only stoicly suppressing any true mind must be spiritually and even socially unhealthy.

Because society needs not only prudence but also generosity, because human presence must be making error being.

We posivhly need mutually also spiritual ventilation publicly and privately, that breathability must make our mind vigor.

At capitalism's business game reality, surely we otherwise need us have own vigilance and skepticism, but at the same time we demand us attend mutual trust and believing mimd to each other.

Only dutifully and obligatorily having publicly adult citizenship abiding only reason attending manner also smother, though occasionally we need mutually open-minded mind and friendship abiding ease together, you know!

(Irregularly continued)

Nov. 9th. 2022

Appendix; Constantly displaying plural ideas is a little bit seen insane, but extremely only totalled and unified idea showing is either so seen too spooky.

Balanced in proper necenecessity is so merelty natural.