Blog for Nameless-Value

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Communicative Aspect we can Confirm ⑱

This time, first as half former, I'd like to address to mention subjective idea for us in daily life quoting Luther's manifesting text as I used at ⑯ "Resolusiones disputationum de indulgentiarum virtute" and at half latter is used for former ⑰'s sequel mentioning.


If thad one whose upcoming future means death had few healed emotion and love, inescapably, the one's serious fare must be attached. Additionally, according  to that love's content's fewer degree, that fare must be expanded.

Upper description's significance probably intends to claim that to us, ordinarily, our mind's own subject is not always memory precise tension abiding, never yet even memory must be so reckless at sustaining data's deal correctness. What I mentioned at ⑰ is definitely means that subjective mind constantly movable around content as the most interested otherwise any data around past as mind's idea or anything could betransformed or so.

In other words.w memory content is not always minute nor correct, frequently we are apt to forget many tiings we had in our own past. Though, necessarily around future, our mind consisting of now must have anxiety around not identical with now's idea around anything with seen strict belief around our own life and itstance and course.

Namely, subjective mind is very ambiguous and either convertible. With these uncertain factors, we, around upcoming death, would have some persistent fare around future and inescapable death. Probably, there, we must need love from the bottom of mind and heart. Probably our brain must order them so at making our life survival secured in probability proof safety. There we feel own love. Through love is never generally felt mind and idea, genuinely personal. Rather, almost

absolutely generally gotten something is never love.

Love is definitely personally awakened, personally easily satisfied.

Though, if my idea around this 14 could be correct, Luther's manifesting around Christianity's way should be must be what we subjectivity should concern us with truly significantly affection.

In other words, affection absent or ordinarily unequipped it must never be truly significant belief in Christianity.(That nature is Christianity's own feature or not is so far at least to me unidentified now.)

If these former half part's my idea is correct, his serial mentioning subsequent from ⑰ must be just about our subjectivity means our own love to our world, our loving ones in love around and toward belief of Christianity. 

Then, that part is like next.

"Misbelieving neglegent ones is rather proud of their own karma, forcing anyone that karma in neatingly concoction of judgment criterion, trying to seduce foolish popularity. People lose belief in being cheated by Karma's flamvoyance. Plea is just demand by Torah, according to increse of plea's items, necessarily Torah and karmas with increse, belief must diffuse. And freedom of baptism is on detention. The dissatisfied ones even with these additionally says that joining in various abbeys or sects is new baptism, and these could be plurally possible, anybody can iterate moreover. Though the ones who enjoys plea are absorbed in identifying them with justice, salvation and glory. And they'd forget that they were baptized as primary condition. The Pope as origin of any superstition and originator acknowledges these pleas through imperial command and redemption, guarantees them, far from it, guide them to get moreover flashy. That time, nobody no longer thinks of baptism. Imperial command and redemption according to being ornamented so flashily, these seduce Christians and make them obedient to him, drive them into pretentious salvation, though they get any baptism's identity neglegently and in spite of that they already was salvaged by baptism, they become to think only fruitage by Karma."

Upper parts show us the most fundamental his Protestantism's principle.

And around these his ideas, finally we can interpret or capture that Christianity's gist is based on simplicity of once baptized, rather necessarily only that elemental demadnding must make us own subjectivity.

Necessarily, here we picked up "subjectivity" must mean memory's ambiguous nature. Because we survive past, though as far as concerned with past data we are apt to misunderstand the content, done order as date memory. None the less, rather that oblivious nature signifies and means so much. Because we in accepting each memory's precise data's losing from mind, we can continue the life of us. That's surviving own life.

These instructive mentioning by Luther rather evidences oblivious power for surviving. Because our life is not decorated with past glory by redemption as authorized substance but truly merely subjective mind which is constantly movable.

That is Catholicism's Luther's criticism in radical Reformation. 

Certainly, his frequently criticizing Angels or so could be fairly tales' subject or our daily allegorical expression in songs, poetry or so.

Otherwise these our socially phenomenal facts could consist in that once these values were harshly negated by Luther, though buried past legacy implying own romanticism would be intriguing own literature and pop lullaby or so in our nostalgic mimd providing daily effects.


(Irregularly continued)

Dec. 7th.     2022