Blog for Nameless-Value

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Universal Share in Realities B.

We can be aware at any younger days of that to own self, there're many bad ones in any carnally ordered society, none the less, that could be applied to any seen wrong guy and gal in world, consequently we'd be obliged to regard any badness's definition as that is merely relative to anybody, and only that could be to some extext so relatively convincing truth to anybody, we'd conclude anytime in that feeling.

Philosophy must never mention so, because Philosophy thing is ordinarily premised that truth as so plainly never denied fact to anybody.

Badness could not be the objective index nor criteria. Because probably, Badness must be made at some our daily so exceptional mutually only discord dominant situation we'd never so easily evade as irresistible force to anybody.  

Because anybody must have own protective mind as some necessary evil at having irresistibly at any occasion. Because our society at any degree, any dimension, very many unwritten law around doing anything and having concerened as socially necessary relevance and reciprocal usage for going and passing through any difficult nasty problem to handle.  

In other words, to us, how we can get rid of any unnecessarily driven and outputtable necessity evil so smartly must mean our own socially relevantly necessary criteria.

That notionally and how should be lnterpreted and analyzable for comprehending are our sharably necessary mindset or premise of our socially directly facing and approaching any other working to us, you know.

At losing any chance to have affectionate our triable true loving emotion, we necessarily have some detached mind at evaluating around what we should take our past doing to us as our own fact at objective view and subjective one too.

Only relative view is never productive, but at any social reality, we must have found any contradictory truth and unwritten law or necessity evil or so. We should previously have preliminary preceded items must neverbe eradicated at any case, because any society must never be perfection, because our society is never God presence's dominant territory to us, you know.

We personally with own wisdom, should survive our very difficulty networked this society so wisely and skillfully.

(Irregularly continued)

Mar. 1st.    2023