Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Happiness Following

Once in mind, happiness notion is imprinted, surely anything could not be thought so freely.

Anybody could wish and hope to own life which is surrounded by ease and peace ever after, but reality could never make any wish done to us, you know.

Sing in your mind, I try to convince me, but truly anything could not be under control, you know.

Life shadow follows our daily reality so systematically.

Time runs rationally in cyclically. Any rotated running bluntly sneers, but that is just fare producing mind's fantasy.

Day by day, any dutiful contents are piled up to abundance. Any accumulated accountable deal could never show that smile.

Forsake all what you need in unnecessary make-up for only superficial performance!

Even if we try to make up mind for doing away with unnecessary empty wish, anything could not be running so well.

What do you follow?

Where do you find true value for yourself?

But any response could be drifting in vain.

Do away with any notion of happiness!  

Mind cries. But heart and breathing have no room to follow ideal.

Certainly, constantly perfecting performance is not so easy to complete, but any numerical aim scolds our idle minded easiness.

But anybody wants to be eased at doing all so well.

However, idea and reality get mutually so remotely.

Once upon a time one great poet sang, answer is blowing the wind. But nobody wants to diffuse any ambiguous reaction in reality.

How can we need ideally completed any performance?

Surely answering is anytime dodging around articulating. And only "Never mind" someone's words are done.

It's enough, you convince you, me either.

(Irregularly continued)

May. 7th.   2023