Blog for Nameless-Value

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Justified Skepticism Fixed Ideology Runs ②

Fishing fraud and our oun excess of convenience service updating reality makes us own busyness, but that switching reality's speed occasionally irritates our mentality, but simultaneously we won't quit any frequent switched reality's following. But we aren't diffuse any hurrying spiritual running which attracts any insomniac nighttime running rather occasionally makes us almost coma deep sleep.

Introspective mind by itself could be seen so fantasy abiding own makeshift artificiality and only numerically and superficially semiotic each necessary convertible own insubstantial procedural all day long running, none the less, we'd never easily trust any made propaganda claiming commercial term and slogan in commercial.

However, we never demamd genuine true or pure substantial value, because that could be unnecessarily serious and forcibly unpleasant.
But we usually autonomously discriminate naturally perceptive sending and semiotic own notional and conceptual notice or momentary judgement and own displayably intentional interpreting sensing as mutually substantial gapped appearance.

Nevertheless, we do not be consciously mutually discriminable and rather we are never accompanying analytically discernment. Merely, we almost subconsciously automatically diffusing our own reasonable calculating conscious discernment.
All these daily action running realities are completely habitually done and accustomed physical reaction.
However, rather those own physically, mentally interlocked autonomy given faculties make us spend all our life realities in settlement spirit.
Thereby, we usually at some empty afterward our routine done actions, we can have own introspective interpretable viewpoint. That must be own skeptically regenerated objective picturing.

Though we from the beginning, know consciousness midst doing anything and afterward we  switch consciousness at doing another thing in own past done as introspectively pictured view.
Though, any analyzable philosophical and logically reasonable definitive fixation around any once completed our action is just recollectively made our past introspective summarizable ideintifying idea mobilized mind we usually have in mind for stepping next phase in a day for spending daily life.

And ordinarily, when we have structural comprehensive daily our doing's analysis, we usually own transformed skeptical viewing and positioning to any what we'd done in past.
In other words, we try to project upcoming future task or reconstructed routine's content for advancing daily reality in reformable intention, we must interpret whole past intending so improvable appearance. 
At that occasion, skeptic interpretable mind is very effective and penetrating around rebuilding future projecting picturing to our own reality at any territorial content.

(Irregularly continued)

May. 10th.  2023