Blog for Nameless-Value

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Upturned Eyes' Ladies' Ballad f. 2.

Natie was for a while keeping silence and breathing out once and started to talk to a little bit irritated Billa, saying, "My familiar lawer is engaged in also stantman and stantwoman used own car at stunt action animation abiding accident reactionary insurance procedure, though he'd arrived here before long, and he'd assist us for rescuing our own crisis at this incident."

Listening to it, Billa was trying to calm her shaken and agitated mind for pulling through that so heavy crisis. 

And soon, Natie was supplemented at telling Billa, "His office fortunately is located at relatively not remote from here, though he will come here soon."

And she tried to look for some cloth for cleaning Middie's injured part as shot wound. And after looking for the appropriate it in garbage dumped dumping ground accidentally located relatively nearer from unfortunate gun accidental discharge taking place roadside, and not talking long minutes, she came back to Middie's car and gripping previously water permeated cloth by her to Meddie's wounded part, she put it and she tried to soak it to her accidentally attended whisky( she usually had it in her jacket pocket for emergency reactionary disinfectant as she engaged her in either car stunt model for attraction of new model car. And necessarily occasionally she drunk it after completing her action at no need occasion to drive afterward.) and she put it on Middie's wounded part.

She relatively was accustomed with first aid treatment, though consequently Billa was salvaged by her through that unfortunate happening thing, barely.

After two ladies in turn watched Middie's condition and at one doing so, another was taking catnap since Natie calling lawyer's arrival.

             🔘        🔘         🔘         🔘          🔘

Soon car stunt emergency reactionary lawyer for professional stuntman and that woman was coming there their waiting location.

According to Natie's explanation in Billa's sitting Middie's car to her, that lawyer was very familiar with emergency reactionary accidents' disposal with arrangement for procurement of emergently hospital for any wounded stant business employees who will be made wounded as the ones who need rescue.

By the way, that lawyer was, at least to Billa, seen so helpful dandy handsome as her favorite adult man.

Because when the lawer was arriving at Natie's call acceptance, showing his own appearance after getting out from his driving large sized van for conveying gun shot wounded Middie to midnight emergency hospital, at a glance, Billa's womb had irresistibly itchy smart at launching to crave hugging by him potentially on her mind and body.

(Irregularly continued)

May.12th.   2023