Blog for Nameless-Value

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Around General Disposition in thinking and transaction to it ⓺

Not standing on long period sustainable course nor only strictly conservative ideology, but rather flexibly switchable generosity abiding stance is consistently required for keeping our lives stably.

That applicable extent includes financing, investing, any precise professional cconsciousness, and having mind room for fishing the best chance, regarding it as very occasuonally, that not previously strictly fixed mindset and lazy stance is constantly acquired to our own mind. Only short term sutainable advantage abiding course should not be applied and at anytime we should react for orbit revision, we should confirm only constantly flexible reactive, very inactively decisive attitude must acquire only minimal advantage and trying to satisfy our own hurrying mind smartly, only the stance must make us minimal profit.m

For keeping us not dangerous at facing critically facing own last ditch situation, we should take stance to any item so calmly. In other words, anytime mind's fanatism and only excited speculation should be abstinantly suppressed as much as possible.

However, nevertheless, we should be respectful to own humanity abiding precious value protectable stance on the other hand. To some extent at our own idea around course keeping we should have piously believable mind at picking up own miraculously touched daily discovery around throwing any unnecessary greedy emotion and having donating charity mind to anything around our own life reality, but for keeping our own life from any unnecessary trappable seduction, both mutually seen compatible minds should be kept and nurtured in potentiality.

And we should dare not to take arbitrarily balanced spirit. Rather mutually severed own crevasse enough consciousness abiding life stance should be applied at our own mindset.

By the way, for dealing with those complicated our besieged situation what should we have in mind?

Simply, having constantly double standard for reacting anything, and these two items can be mutually remotely interpreted as forgiven condition to us.

One is keeping lifetime sustainable courses, another is short period effective the most appropriate measure and basic ideas. And very important mindset is former should be neutrally tepid or kind of lazily chronic, but latter should be more clarified and so appropriately acutely reactionary.

In other words, we might discriminate both mutually very symmetrical items in turn effectively, for sustaining own balance at keeping up with our life mode appropriately stable.

Short period reactively effective strategy means so much on the basis of lazily but relatively kept long lifetime period effective course sustenance in mutual well combinated balance.

If we define our own lifetime belief as B, and our short period course as SPC, necessarily, SPC must be short period situation abiding convertible, thus, if it'd be SPSC, and at each short period convertible stance could be SPCS, and lifetime sutenance could be LS, and life by itself could be L,


SPC = L ( SPSC / LS ), 

though, necessarily, lifetime running by itself could never be signified only by ∀, though, life running is beyond V.

Though, necessarily, life's going is fundamentally, 

¬ V ( SPSC ), though, we all are independently at survival.

B{¬ (SPSC)}, though, 

B = { ∀ (SPC)   (SPCS)⇔∃ }

(Irregularly continued)

June. 1st.  2023