Blog for Nameless-Value

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Transmission runs, Propaganda runs D.

Probably at any region in this globe, abnormally done climate and harshly damageable weather is frequently made which probably caused from our human being popularity's own expansion, and those all ultimate cause is not so easily specified, but at least what we can obviously conjecture is any cause is entangled with each other, and only vicious circle made cycle is negatively dragged, nationalism easily made global phenomenon is probably caused from our own unease around critically overshadowing our extermination around species survival.

US's own abandonment for maintaining global police organization functional role at several failures made by them, after all, at any global region, regional conflict was becoming frequency as each hegemonic ambition had become budding, and any individual citizen was once given any infinitely acquisitive personally executable free option was once made by global community leader US,  once their suggestion was given to any regional country, more and more, regional hegemonic ambition was once made at necessary outcome by first suggested by US, already that flood's extreme current was never stopped by any organization.

Probably any factor mutually negatively affecting in our own freedom illusion ever democracy globally gave us in equality, fairness, but intrinsically any human individual must have own nature, constitution and only ideologically given freedom or own ideally interpretable mentioning must be consequently merely falsehood as cheaper justice ideology, and false idealism, no longer effective either to children. And to any propaganda, almost citizens are wearisome at facing in daily life, you know.

At the matter of fact, already we all were overshadowed by mutually absolutely keeping abstinent behavior or manner. Expansion of population makes own impossibility around maintaining absolutely mutually fair nor mutually equal, nevertheless, mass-communication globally netted network must give own illusion around any citizen right and equality. None the less, anybody is to any other one, completely independently alive and mutually different constitution holding, though democratic ideology illusion's own failure and universality's own finite power had been already disclosed in public, anybody could never believe any romantic theory do easily, after all, we all are completely awakened at being evil presence necessarily.

Human right's execution needs some steady given qualified strict condition, but for making anybody equlified conditioned, really embodied any reality must never catch up with that demanded condition. Though any made contradiction must never have been solved so appropriately, though any empty idling could never be excluded nor diffused so ideally.

In the end, everything could be reset again, as originally given rare condition, because democracy's own illusion has been already exposed to anybody's eyes and mind.

(Irregularly continued)

June. 2nd.   2023