Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Our own Subjective Life Significance 1.

We at daily awareness have own complicated ideas in some distressed mindful questioning and answering by ourselves.

That is around our life signified definitively cognitive mind's own idea.
First as one of ecosystem assimilated presence we all are physiological being as one of natural selection adaptable presence as own physical being in nature world and ecosystem abiding one presence.

On the other hand, we are all at any rate, language acvivity abiding own presence in nature world. In terms of it, we all are empirically socially signified own unit, group activity bound animal. 
And any unit must belong to own custom and regulatory stipulated legal significant being.

These compulsive belonging nature our survival features mean more metaphysical and more unit's empirically signified words communication modified own identity in biological belongings.

At applying transcendental view, we all are very mutually contradictory presence. Because we are merely mortal destined presence, nevertheless we all to some own manner extent are just ambitious presence with which physiologically one of metabolism and natural selection applicable presence but meanwhile, very own metaphysical extent prejudiced mutually hostile relevance unavoidable presence.

Mutually indifferently tacitly discriminable own hostile mental constantly coexisting presence.
And to any unit, being accustomed with own justice by itself evidences us to be merely carefree both positively, negatively prejudiced idea, preoccupation unavoidable own shameless presence, we could regard us all so.

To some obvious immanent extent, we surely anytime very consciously known ones around own sinful doings and own selfish unit regulatory idea abusing which means we to some objectively regarded mean and cold-blooded presence. Nevertheless to its truth, anybody is known to that any criticism around our own belonging unit's falsehood is taboo, thereby only the thing is to any belonging one, as topically evasively dealt item, nobody tries to regard subject.

And in any unit, we are almost absolutely having the kind of own taboo, and we know it so well, therefore we all are on the contrary conscious about our own sin, secretly immanently in mind.

Knowing our own sin as irresistibly immanenty we are never getting rid of own guilt, that our reality is signifies both very self ridiculously regarded own twisted conscience and own bravery shortage simultaneously attending our mind's own nature.

In other words. We all are Satanic wicked minded conservative mental worriers and also very merciful minded Angel-hearted citizen, in mutually contradictory complicated minded presence.

Though to our own personal mind, both desperately justifiable attitude kept, but simultaneously at immanent mind, anytime have own remorseful mind, that typed own contradictory presence.

To own contradiction, we'd never found own method for diffusing any contradictory habit, custom and own nature by each item.

To us as so ambivalent being in the ecosystem of survival territory, we recently for the first time, start to be awakened to that irresistibly inescapable nature of us. Probably anyone in these days' realities are seen so tepidly conscious about ambivalence.

(Irregularly continued)

June.  12th.   2023